Chapter 1 / Jealousy

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You're laying on a couch with jack on your lower stomach facing the tv, he slowly falls asleep as you brush your fingers through his hair. To the left of you is another couch where zach is sitting and to the right is a chair that daniels curled up on. You constantly see daniel glacing at you as he keeps his hand near his mouth. The movie continues and jack tilts his head so its facing the couch and away from the bright pixelated screen.

As jack moves around to get comfy you can see the jealousy in daniels face, but its obvious he keeps trying to hide it. Just then jonah races into the living room after flipping on all the light switches.


Zach looks at him with an annoyed expression
"Jonah are you serious right now"
"You love me" he replys as he goes back to turn off the lights. After doing so he scoots over to sit on the same couch as zach.

Jack slowly gets up by placing his forearms to your sides and starts doing this adorable smile which makes you giggle.
You say inbetween short laughs.
You can feel him pressing himself againced your lower body, was he doing that on purpose? Shortly after, Daniel whispers something in a groaning voice. Gets up and walks past the kitchen into the hallway and makes his way into his bedroom.
Jack looks in your eyes
"Ill be right back, want anything?" He whispers hinting off that hes going to the kitchen
"No thanks" i whisper back as we both smile, he looks at the floor showing that hes emberresed, you find that as an instant turn on.. but you're just friends right?

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