86. Virginia.

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*1 Day later*


“All right guys, if you need me I will be down the hall. You know the rules so stick to them. G'night.” A sleepy Paul muttered as he led us to our hotel room, we nodded and he sauntered down the hall and to his room.

“Wow he looks beat,” Liam said, a look of amazement on his face, we all mumbled in agreement. Zayn opened the door and we all pushed in. There where four rooms each with two full sized beds, a living room a small kitchen and two bathrooms. I walked into the biggest room with the balcony and threw my stuff down on the floor.

“Niall and I call this room!” I shouted at random, throwing myself onto one of the beds, I stood and began jumping on the bed, Niall ran in and jumped onto the other bed.

“This one's mine!” He shouted, jumping as well, 

“This one's our room!” Liam shouted, from a different room, 

“Zayn and I have this one!” Louis shrieked from another,

“I'm sharing with Harry!” Aravis yelled, 

"No sex!" Louis yelled, making Niall, Liam and Zayn laugh. I jumped off and onto the floor, running into the living room Louis stood on the couch and cupped his hands around his mouth.

“Who wants to play a game?!” He shouted, everyone ran out of their rooms and into the living room.

“Me!” “I do,” “I'm in!” “What should we play?” Everyone chorused, 

“How about Ninja hide and seek?” Louis suggested excitedly.

“Yeah!” We all shouted together,

“Right, let's see, Zayn, your it first, count to one hundred!” Louis said, Zayn groaned,

“Fine! 1...2...3...4...6...19...8...10...76...99...” We all ran away in different directions trying to find a place to hide. I ran into the bathroom and hid in the bathtub closing the shower curtain behind me.

“...34...7...89...63...100, ready or not here I come!” Zayn shouted, the whole hotel room was silent as Zayn creeped through the rooms. Every now and then I would hear a yell or shriek as some one was discovered. After a while I decided to change my hiding spot. I creeped out from the bathtub and crawled on my hands and knees to the bedroom. I peeked around the door and saw Zayn standing with his back to me looking through the kitchen cabinets. I backed into the room and crawled to the closet, I slid in and sat on something warm and soft.

“Ouch!” Someone whispered, 

“Sorry, who is that?” I whispered back,

“It is me, Cat. Now shhhh” She whispered, after a few minutes, the closet doors flew open and Zayn reached in and pulled us out, 

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