Ch. 35: A Mess of Emotions

Start from the beginning

"You can't say that. You didn't even ask me out yet!" Jaemin laughed.

"You're still mine."

"Doesn't mean I can't be my own though. I'm a guy, not a doll. Plus, if you have the guts to call me yours, where they at when it comes to asking me out?"

"Oh be quiet, you lovebirds," Haechan rolled his eyes, stiting next to Jeno with Mark.

Jaemin laughed, "Salty much?"

"I'm the fucking ocean," Haechan smiled.

"The funny part is that Mark can't swim," Jeno said.

"Shut up, Jenhoe!"

"Ooooh," Jaemin nodded. "I like that name."

Jeno sighed, "Nana, don't---"

"Ayeeee where the jams at, Jenhoe?"


Jaemin giggled, "Look Jenhoe, its a GENIUS name!"

"Nana. Don't."

"Sorry, what did you say, Jenhoe?" Jaemin joked.


"Okay okay. . . Jenhoe!"


Jaemin laughed, holding his stomach as Jeno pouted. Haechan and Mark just shrugged and decided to ignore them as they planned their next date.

"I promise Renjun and I haven't done anything," Jaemin played with Jeno's hair.

Jeno relaxed at Jaemin's touch, kind of like a cat purring. Jaemin smiled. Man, he could spend all of his time with Jeno. The blonde calmly cupped his cheek and looked at him lovingly.

Jaemin wished he could save this moment forever...


Jeno and Jaemin snapped their heads at the interrupting child.

"Jihoonie!" Guanlin stamped his feet with a blush. "Come back here!"

"Guanguan, it's cuuteee~!" Jihoon pointed at them.

"Jihoonie!" Guanlin gasped. "Don't point, it's rude!"

Jihoon's tiny hands retracted and his sleeve-paws covered his baby pink face.

"Oh nooooo~ I sowweeyyy!" Jihoon exclaimed.

Jinyoung walked up to Guanlin while Jeno and Jaemin comforted the distressed Jihoon.

"What did he do now?" Jinyoung asked.

"Jihoonie pointed at them!" Guanlin pouted.

"Jinyoungiiieeee~" Jihoon ran up to him and tugged on his sleeve. "Jihoonie didn't mean it! Jihoonie is sowwey!"

"Is it me, or did that guy sink more deeply into his little space since the last time we saw him?" Haechan noticed the commotion and asked Jaemin.

"I dunno, but it's cute I guess," Jaemin shrugged.

Jihoon was still tugging on Jinyoung's sleeve when he just bursted out in an adorable laugh.

"Look, just keep your fingers to yourself, 'kay cutie?" Jinyoung smiled and pinched his cheeks.

"Is it me, or did that Jinyoung guy also change into more of a pretty boy instead of a bad one?" Mark raised a brow.

"Well, who wouldn't around those two cuties?" Jaemin shrugged.

"Jinyoungie, LaiLai hungrwwwey..." Guanlin tugged on Jinyoung's other sleeve.

"Shall we eat?" Jinyoung flashed a killer smile.

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