Ch. 26: I, Who You Found

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[Jeno POV]

Jeno decided that enough was enough.

I'm so sick of this..
I'm always so scared...
Why can't I help Jaemin like Jisung?
I'm so lame...
What can I do...?
What if I do to him what I did to her...?

[Four years ago.
Jeno is currently in his last year of middle school.
Friday, May 13th.]



Jeno smiled in pure joy, hugging his girlfriend of two years tightly.

"Hey... It's that day isn't it..?" The pure girl smiled sadly. "You doing okay?"

"Yeah..." Jeno gave her a soft response. The boy sat down on his bed, keeping himself calm.

Today was his sister's death anniversary.

"Are you going to visit?" Seolbyul sat down beside her boyfriend, patting his back gently.

"Maybe ..." Jeno didn't like the idea.

"Let's try it, okay?" The sweet-natured girl suggested. "I know you're scared, but your sister doesn't want you to live your life like that. Youjin-unnie loved you, Jeno. Lets go say hello, and if you want to go, I'll follow you all the way. We don't have to stay that long. Let's give it a shot."

Jeno thought about this.
Youjin always was fearless.
She was the stubborn and fierce type of sister that made all the younger boys obey her at once.

She would smack him when he was wrong, naughty, or dumb.
She never let he and Moonbin get picked on, but never let them cower away from standing their ground.

Would his sister be proud of him as of now...?
He didn't like to go outside... And ran away from injured animals in need.
Had she been here, Jeno's head would be bashed in.

Jeno laced his hands with Seolbyul's, all thoughts on his noona.

"Maybe this once..." The sensitive boy softly agreed.

Seolbyul walked cheerfully with Jeno, her cute smile helping ease him into seeing his sister once again.

His girlfriend span around playfully. Her white sundress flowing and short hair tucked neatly behind one ear. She giggled at Jeno, trying her best to make sure he wouldn't be thinking too much.

"Careful Seol!" Jeno grabbed her arm.

The traffic by the cemetery was unexpectedly busy today. Maybe there was a funeral going on in a different spot there?

Jeno pulled Seolbyul next to him, linking arms with a smile.

"It's dangerous. Let me walk with you," Jeno smiled at her cute blush.

"You're just a worry-wart!" Seolbyul gave him a peck on the cheek.

Jeno's heart felt like it had received a hug. It felt comfy, and it felt love.

The couple walked side-by-side holding hands as they crossed the street and peacfulky strolled in the beautiful cemetery, which was also a large garden.

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