Ch. 31: Love Square? (2)

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[Jaemin POV]

"W-wait-- d-don't touch there!" Jaemin blushed.

"Shh... You're cute," Jisung grinned.

"Y-yah! Hold on---!"

Jisung clamped a hand over Jaemin's mouth, grinning.

"I can touch you all I want."

"Mmmffgghhhhhh--- gggahhh!!" Jaemin let out muffled squeals.

"So adorable..." Jisung smirked. "Your skin is soft..."

Jaemin tried not to shriek as the younger's fingers trailed along his back. His knees were going buckle any minute.

"Just hold in your screams or else I'll shove something in that mouth of yours..." Jaemin was trying not to let out a sound as Jisung removed his hand from his mouth.

Jisung's hands were on his back, the younger shoving him into a wall.

"Just hold it..." Jisung whispered.

"Seriously, how long does it take to---" Haechan walked into the boy's bathroom.

"AHHH!" Jaemin let out a yelp.

"THE FUCK?! Bish, are you TRYING to make me hit Arianna Grande's high notes?! That scared me!" Haechan held a hand to his chest. "Also, what the fuck is taking you two so long? You're going to be late."

"Jaemin-hyung won't stop moving!" Jisung pouted.

"I'm ticklish, okay?!" Jaemin defended.

After Jeno's kiss, there was a huge gag at them. It turned into a joke, and everyone laughed their butts off.

They were having a great time eating when someone accidentally spilled their drink all over Jaemin's back. It was apparently fruit punch, and it made Jaemin look like he was bleeding because his shirt was white.

Jisung lost at rock-paper-scissors and ended up coming to help him dab the stains off.

(a/n: Just a side note, everytime I write 'dab' I think of BamBam. 😂😂😂)

"Hyung wouldn't stop yelping either! It was awkward so I had to try to not make a scene with him!" Jisung complained.

"What? Why didn't you just shove something in his mouth?" Haechan asked.

"I was thinking of shoving paper towels in his mouth, but I'm a nice dongsaeng so..." Jisung sighed.

"Okay you know what, I'll hold him down. You dab the stains off, okay?" Haechan facepalmed.

Jaemin's eyes widened, "WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY--!"

"AI, KKAEPSONG~! KKAMJJAK NORRASSONG~!" Haechan flinched. "Yah! Stop shouting like that! I'm jumpy today!"

Jaemin mumbled an apology as Jisung thought of a solution.

"Here," Jisung slid off his sweatshirt, revealing a t-shirt under.

Jisung tossed the sweatshirt at Jaemin, "Wear this. You don't want people thinking you are on a literal man period or something."

Haechan laughed as Jaemin grabbed the sweatshirt.

"I'll change..." Jaemin slipped into a stall. "You guys go ahead~!"

"See ya there!" Haechan walked to the door.

"Hurry hyung!" Jisung followed. "Ppali ppali!"

"Okay okay!" Jaemin mumbled as he pulled off his shirt.

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