Chapter 8

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.Edited by H.T, known as the1Nonly

Edited by: C.Y. aka mustachiosftw

Chapter 8

I looked from one side of the classroom to the other. He was sitting in the corner of the classroom and I couldn't help but stare at Ashton and just pretend to pay attention.

"Hey!" The girl sitting next to me whispered harshly. "Wake up and pass this paper down!"

"Oh! I'm sorry!" I whispered back, embarrassed that she had caught me daydreaming...she's a witness!

"Whatever, but so you know, I've been tapping you with this paper for like, forever.." She looked down at her desk when I grabbed the papers. "Never knew daydreamers were so clueless." She mumbled under her breath.

I passed down the paper and continued my daydreaming. Oh, how I wish...his eyes, his face...blah blah blah....more eyes and faces, more craziness...I just want to grab him! Yea! That's what I want to do! Fan girl squeal...anything! All I can think is 'he's so cute! Cute! Cute! Cu--

"Mayadine!!!" My teacher screamed. I seriously almost fell off my chair. "Why won't you answer my question?"

What? Oh no! Question! Question! What question? I have no idea what I'm supposed to say! I felt my body start to shake and as I fumbled through my notebook I noticed that the shake was uncontrollable.

"Clearly, it's not in your book Mayadine, since you didn't copy any notes?" she placed her hands on her hips. She's angry all right! That's her signature move! The hip thing! I'm dead I thought. "Huh?" she snorted. Ewww I thought. "Am I correct?"

I took a glance at her. Then I looked at my class mates. There were faces filled with laughter, annoyance, tiredness, and his, was blank. Just plain. No reaction. I forced myself to look away before I gave up hope that he would have a change of face emotion.

When I saw the teacher's face I almost threw up. Her face was so ugly! And I just finished staring at a hot guy! I know it's mean but, it's just so... whatever! I would be thinking on what to say no--'

"Answer me young lady! We're you paying attention?!"

"I-I-I-" was the only thing I managed to get out.

"If you don't answer I will send you to the dean!"

"I-I-I was n-not paying attention." I said as I glanced at my hands that still shook. "I'm sorry."

"Much better, now I want to talk to you after class." She said and when I looked at her, her once red face was now regular. What a weirdo...the moment has passed and I'm still shaking from fear and she just went back to normal...I guess it's from experience?


I walked back home in silence. Helen and Kayla offered to walk with me but...I knew they both had something to do today. Of course which was going on a double date. I had no boyfriend but, I didn't really care. I mean I do like Ashton, but I didn't really need a boyfriend. But I wouldn't really mind if he asked me. Besides, it's not like I love him or anything, right? Of course I don't love him! I'm too young! Yeah I am! I only have a crush on him! That's all, just like any other boy, he's a crush that'll go away soon.

As I opened the door to my home I tried to convince myself that I didn't need Ashton, or a boy to depend on in general. I told myself it wouldn't work out. Me and him, it wouldn't happen. Who was I? Who was he? But even though the convincing might have worked a little, I knew deep down I didn't believe myself. Deep down there was a dream of both of us, together. A girl can dream can't she?


​I handed my mom the permission slip to the prom. Please let her say yes! I prayed.

"What's this?" she stared down at it. "Oh, a prom, you want to go?" She looked up at me with her narrow eyes. My eyes caught onto her evil smirk. Oh, here we go again I thought.

"Yes, my friends are going. I was thinking it would just be like another hangout?" I let my eyes flow down to the floor. It was true. I was going because my friends are, but, I was also going for Ashton. If he was there then, then, whatever! I'll figure out what to do from there.

But what if he had a date? Then what would I do? Just trail around with my friends and they're boyfriends? No, that's stupid! Maybe, I could just leave? Maybe.

"Ok, you can go." She said after a while.

"Seriously!?" she nodded and I dived in for a hug. "Thanks so much! I love you mom!" She just nodded and hugged me back.

It might not seem like such a big deal that she agreed, but it is! I told her once I hated dances, and I never went to one before...and usually when I say something and change my mind she gets suspicious. Maybe she did, but, she didn't ask anything! So yay! I am so happy and filled with joy, all I want to do now is scream.


​Me and Kayla walked out to get a snack from the vending machine. The day today was awfully boring without Helen. She was the one who would always start the conversations. And sing like a crazy person, and us; as crazy as me and Kayla are, we'd sing with her. But today me and Kayla walked in silence waiting for one of us to start a conversation. But, I had nothing to say. I guess she didn't either.

​As we walked out I saw Kayla's boy and waved at him.

"Hey!" I yelled across the room.

"Hey!" he replied. Then we both looked at each other and I felt a smile forming on my lips.

"WEEE YOOUUU! WEEE YOOOUUU! WEEEUUUUU!!!!!" We both screamed at the top of our lungs. I finished grabbing for a breath when I saw when I saw him. He was standing in front of me with wide eyes. I felt my face flush into a bright red. He heard me! I lowered my head, shifting my gaze away from his. This is SO embarrassing! Why, did I have to do that!

​Soon I quickly got my feet moving and headed back to the lunch table, still bright red. I sat on the bench and thought about what he might think of me when Helen and Kayla came beside me.

"What was that?" Helen laughed. "You looked like a total fool!" I gave her a cold and mean stare, that doesn't help, I thought. I noticed a nudge from Kayla to Helen.

"What! Ouch!" cried Helen.

"You're such an idiot!" Kayla yelled in frustration. Wow, what friends.

I sat there with my head in my arms folded. I was angry, I was embarrassed, and I was humiliated! Now what!?

"Maydine? I am --" I waited for the sorry to come, instead I heard a bunch of squealing. "Look! He's looking for you! Look!"

​I took a look and he was in fact looking in my direction but, what are the chances he was looking at me? None.

"Eeeeeeeeep" Kayla squealed.

"Wave at him!" yelled Helen. I shook my head. Heck, no! I would not wave at him! Even though I wanted to, I was too shy.

​Suddenly my arms were flailing in the air waving, but, not by me, by Helen. She had grabbed them and I kinda felt happy that she did. All the tension I had inside of me came out. Yes! Yes! And when I finally calmed down....I cried, for no apparent reason.

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