Chapter 4

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Edited by: (mustachiosftw)

Chapter 4

Some days flew by fast and others went by slow. Sometimes the days crawled by like seconds and sometimes like years but now, two months had passed and tomorrow would be first day of twelfth grade. Whoopee! I sighed. I wasn't so excited and I didn't want to start a new year in another school. Pressure, was something I didn't handle well and, I had enough pressure in my life already.

Life wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, at least. I mean as dad said once, it was livelier and the people never slept. At least on weekends. It was so different than the country; maybe it will change my opinion about this place. I liked the liveliness of the people. How can one place could be so crowded with people, more people than in our old town! I thought it was pretty amazing, how people could fit in such an area, it was surreal to me.

I also had to admit everything was bunched up together, which was a good thing. Turns out my high school is ten minutes walking huh? Now I don't have to take thirty minutes out of my time every week. This was an improvement.

"So you know how to get to school right?" dad asked. He and I were sitting on the couch watching TV, munching on our veggie straws. They really don't taste like vegetables, so I don't know why they're called that, but they taste good. I forced myself to hold the straw in my hand and not pop it into my mouth so I can concentrate on the show...not the straws.

"Uhh, What?" I asked only listening to the show. Then when the commercials came on I looked back at him.

"You heard me." he said. I slapped my forehead.

"Oh! Sorry! I was watch--"

"I know, you do it all the time. So I don't have to walk you to school tomorrow right?" He asked.

"Oh, no. I know how to get there." I replied quickly. "Thanks though." He just nodded and we continued watching and munching away.

I didn't want to go to school tomorrow. I looked at my watch. Still twelve thirty. Just a few more hours to go, before I embarrass myself.


It was scorching under the blazing hot sun. It burned my skin and I wasn't in the best mood now. Especially on this life guard chair, there was no shade. It was high up and well exposed. I had a one piece swimsuit on with a red cross t-shirt on top. The water was green and by the look of it, it seems warm. The way the kids just go in without flinching.

I walked down the chair to get to the basket beneath it. I grabbed my sunglasses, and slipped them on. Right when I walked back up I noticed a boy; him. He was here. At the beach. Impossible. I mean no, not really. It's not like I see him every day at the beach, but still.

I let my eyes trail down his body. It was firm and lean. I liked it. But when my eyes reached his face I noticed his eyes on me. Or you know, in my direction. There were a couple of people in front of me who he could be looking at. I still couldn't help but feel excited.

When he turned away my heart fell and he took all the excitement I had just a minute ago, away with him.


The kids traveled in groups. The sluts, the goody two shoes, the nerds, the bums...etc. I felt as if I was the only one who walked alone in the halls. I was kind of embarrassed, and I tried to look as confident as possible.

I had gotten my schedule and now I was looking for my first period class. East wing, room 34? Which way was east? I halted in the middle of the hallway looking for a sign to tell me where to go but I knew nothing would come.

"You can't just stop in the middle of the hall new girl!" Laughed a girl that had slammed into me. "It's already crowded, if you haven't noticed." Fear rippled through me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I'm new, I don't really know where to go and I... I need help." I said more loudly for her and her friend to hear. "I want to know how to go to the east wing?"

"Oh! The east wing. Hmmm. "She placed a finger on her chin. "I'm not going there, but Karla is." She said pointing to her tan friend. "She'll show you. Name's Helen." She said.

"I'm Mayadine."

"Ok, well I know it's going to be rough for you, but you'll get used to it. I promise." She took the Up staircase and waved bye before she disappeared.

I and Karla walked in silence. I didn't like it, it was very...annoying.

"So you're new? Where are you from?" asked Karla.

"The country." I replied. She smiled.

"You like the city? Pretty lively, huh?" I chuckled.

"You bet. Very crowded too." I replied.

"You'll learn to like it. No, you'll learn to love it."


I listened to the teacher babble about some stuff that I had no idea about. Then she caught the guy in behind me snoring and she started giving us a lecture about 'if we didn't cooperate, she would make us corporate' a scary way.

"Why do we have to have Mrs. Shelly?" I heard a girl whisper to another.

"Ya, I heard she's the toughest teacher." Replied a guy who wasn't included in the conversation. The girls gave him a strange look then returned their attention to the teacher. Great, I thought. I'm starting the year with the toughest teacher in school...yay. (Sigh)


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