-Chapter 6-

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Edited by H.T, known as the1Nonly

Edited by: C.Y. aka mustachiosftw

Chapter 6

He lives next door!" I screamed. "I can't go and embarrass myself in front of him!" I yelled at Kayla.

Both Helen and Kayla's mouths fell wide open. I think Kayla's eyes even bulged out.

"No! Impossible!" Helen squealed.

The pitch was so high; my ears felt a quick ache.

"Out of all the places you could move, you moved next to your crush!"

She started jumping up and down in her seat and I could feel myself shake. Up...down...up again...down again. This went on for a while.

"This is perfect!" exclaimed Kayla. "When you guys get together, you'll be ten feet away from each other and then you'll do everything together!"

I gave a long, tired sigh. He doesn't look like that. He won't be like those boys you read in the books. The hero who walks in to save the girl. The kind warm-hearted guy, that actually feels and actually cares. This wasn't like in the books; this was real. And in real life guys aren't like that. They don't feel, care, or give a damn about you.

"Go talk to him!" yelled one of them.

I didn't even bother know who it was, because it's was such an arrogant statement. If I go up to him and say hi or just start talking to him for no reason, he won't start talking to me immediately. He'd most likely look at ne weirdly and remember his mother saying 'never talk to strangers'. Another reason life isn't like books.

"Go say hi!" yelled Helen.

"No! That's so weird! Ok?" I puffed.

"You wouldn't do that!" I told her furiously.

I was really mad, but not at them...at myself rather. Why couldn't I talk to him? Why haven't I talked to him?

"That doesn't really count, because he's weird. And if you act weird, it'll both cancel out and you'll both be equal!" she babbled.

She turned her head to look at my eyes. "Don't you agree?" she frowned.

"No!" I yelled.

Of course I don't agree! What kind of thinking was that!

"But you are weird Mayadine." She raised her hands up when I gave her a cold stare. "Not in a bad way."

I looked away from her and now faced Kay, who had tapped me.

"Honestly Mayadine, if you don't talk to him now, and you can't talk to him when he's your neighbor..." she scratched the back of her head. This was headed to something I wouldn't be pleased with. I was sure if it. "... you would have no chance with him at all."

I felt a kick in the gut right when the sentence had registered in my mind. It's been a whole summer and a couple of school months and I was going nowhere. Not good...not good at all.

"It's not that I don't want to talk to him." I struggled, trying to find a way to explain how I felt. "I just, just... don't want him to think in me in a way he doesn't want." I looked up at my two clueless friends. "I'm scared." I said shaking, holding back tears.

Soon they both came right by my side hugging me and my feelings gave away. My tears fell down so fast and I heard their worried voices try to soothe me. But, I didn't need soothing. I don't need anything but to just have a chance with him.

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