-Chapter 3

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Edited by: (mustachiosftw)

Chapter 3

It's summer.... Yay? I mean, I know I should be happy, but ever since we moved here I can't help feeling home sick. I slumped my way down to the kitchen.

"Oh honey, stop being so grumpy all the time. It's been more than a week and you're still acting like a bi-bindi!" she screamed hoping I didn't catch her almost curse. Oh please, bindi? Really? Like I would fall for that one.

I gave her a sly smile.

"Oh, you! Go for a walk or something. Check out the neighborhood or go talk to the neighbors next to us." She looked to the door then to me, pretending that she is an agent on a secret mission and isn't supposed to be seen.

She walked to me and leaned in my ear she whispered.

"I heard there's a boy around your age next door, huh?" she elbowed me. I felt myself blush. Why does she have to be so...I don't know how to explain it. She elbowed me again. Ugh!

"Mom!" I laughed. "What is this? What if he's g- I mean not normal!" I joked.

"Nonsense!" She said. "I heard he's very handsome too." She smiled again. "Now go check him out or something! Don't sit around here like a grandma! Go have fun!" She yelled as she pushed me out the door.

"Ma!" I yelled but she had slammed the door shut and left me no choice but to stay out of the house. Might as well go see him. I actually hoped he was cute.

I snooped around the neighborhood for a while and then got bored. It wasn't supposed to be boring though, we had a couple of grocery stores, and food places, and clothes stores but I just wasn't interested now. So I decided to go look for the boy.

This is exciting! Except for one problem...which side of my house was he on? To the left or the right? I tried to find or get a gut feeling, but I didn't. It was quite disappointing. I guess I just had to wait and see which house he comes from, or...I can stalk him, which isn't such a nice option.

I decided to sit on our SMALL porch and just relax until my mother decided to open this stupid door. I had brought up a chair from the garage and set it down on the porch. My mom must've heard the ruckus, well I didn't make much noise, but really, everything is noisy to her.

"I'm not letting you in!" She yelled from behind the blinds in the window. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Fine by me! The weather is great here by the way!"

"Really? Maybe I should joi-"

"No! You're not allowed to get out of YOUR house." I teased. "Two can play at that game!"

She closed the blinds furiously and I jumped from surprise. She is so vulnerable, I loved her, but I also liked bothering her. She was fun but I DID know my limits, unlike dad.

I suddenly noticed a boy walk up the stairs of the house right to my house. It's him! It's him! I examined him. He was a couple of centimeters shorter than me, I think. But who cares, he is freaking cute! His eyes were remarkably beautiful and he was adorable. He looked like he could be sixteen. If he was, I would kill myself. I'm eighteen and I don't want to be hitting on a guy younger than me! That's, that's....messed up. He wasn't fat or skinny...he was middle but a little built, not too much, or too little. Nice in the middle, like everything else about him. He was perfect! I felt my eyes trail behind him as he walked up the stairs. If I could, I would've stuck my tongue out like a dog because he was no joke, amazing.

I must've been staring really hard because he was staring back at me. Wide eyed too! I must've looked like a creep! I felt my face turn hot and I slowly started to look away from him. I could feel his eyes burn my skin. They didn't come off me, or so I thought they didn't. When I heard a door shut I then relaxed my body, which I didn't even know had tensed up.


"Do you like it around here?" My dad asked. We all kept eating. "Well, I like it. It's very alive and all I have I do is walk a mile to get to work!" He yelled thrilled. "Can you believe that? One mile! That's unbelievably short!" My eyes widened with surprise. One mile!? That was so little in distance. To go to school I have to ride my bike for around three miles! Or to go to get some groceries by car, it would take us thirty minutes! Amazing! Maybe I'll learn to li-l- no! I will not like this place. This isn't my ho-

"Ya, after I locked Mayadine out of the house and then decided to let her in, I went to the clothing store two blocks away or so. The stuff was great! I had a nice shopping day!" she smiled as if she had just won a prize to something big. That's mom, I laughed.

"What about you, darling? How was your day." He said muffled. He was eating, and his words were chopped up between his chews. I flashed back to my day.

"Hmmm, I got kicked out of the house." I took a glance at mom. "Then I looked around the neighborhood." I looked up from my broccoli to dad. He motioned for me to continue. I shook my head. "Oh nothing! That's all!" I said avoiding any conversation about the boy next door.

"Oh, really. "My mom teased. 'You didn't see him?"

"No!" I yelled a little too loud. "No I didn't." I said more softly this time.

"Who? See who?" asked dad. We both ignored him, and mom came up and started chasing me around the room for answers.

"Tell me!" She cried.

"No one, Mom! Just leave me alone!" I yelled. In the background I heard dad's who's and I felt bad for him. I hated when people talked about things I had no idea about. I took a glance at him. He had a confused look spread over his face. Was his face red? Or was I just imagining?

I didn't have time to examine him anymore, because mom pinned me against the wall.

"Was he good looking?" I threw my hands up in the air in frustration.

"Why!? Are you the one who's going to date him?" I yelled. She leaned back and her eyes darkened. I went too far I thought. I went too far! I was going to have to apologize.

But then she started laughing.

"So you guys are going on a date?"

"No!" I screamed wishing I could slap her across the face, but she was my mom and I loved her. "We're not dating! I didn't even talk to him for god's sake!"

Mom smiled.

"You'll talk to him. Just you wait." I snorted.

"He's too cool for me." I whispered under my breath. As I did, my heart fell in hope that he didn't think that and I would have a chance to talk to him. I heard mom's words replay in my head. 'Just you wait' and I hope she's right.

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