Time has stopped (Kai)

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Hey everyone! So this scenario was innicially a reaction request, but I thought it was going to be very repetitive so instead I decided to make it a scenario. I hope you don't mind and like it! I love you, Admin A~


I wanted to get close, closer than this. There were a few steps between us; she hadn't noticed me yet I could smell the sweet scent impregnated on her skin. I couldn't see her face from where I was standing, but the sound of raindrops falling on her skin told me she had perfect features.

I wanted to approach her, give her my warmth in this winter night. I didn't dare to move, didn't dare to change something in this spot in the forest where time seemed to have stopped.
I knew she was going to run away the second she saw me; they always do.
After all, I'm a wolf. Wolves scare humans.

"I don't want to go back" The girl suddenly said, falling on her knees as the pouring rain soaked her all. "I have no where to go." It took me a moment to realize it wasn't me who she was speaking to, it was to no one in particularly or maybe just the woods. It was of common knowledge that strange creatures lived in these woods, yet from time to time humans would come here to request us or just to the nothing, different things. Like today, she was requesting to never come back.

"You should be careful with the words you say" I said behind her, covered just by a thick coat that looked like wolf fur. "They could take those words by another meaning and do terrible things to you, this place isn't for humans" I didn't try to be nice, if anything hostile. I didn't want to but I had to if I wanted to take her out of the woods alive.
"Who are you? You can't be one of them" She said to me this time. "You look pretty normal"
"Never believe what your eyes show you"
She stood quiet for a few minutes as the rain continued; I didn't get close nor gave her my coat. I couldn't get attached, I shouldn't even care or be curious of a strange girl that I found in the middle of the forest.
"So? Are you going to grant my wish?"
"I'm not a fairy or a genie. Why would I?" I sighed, watching how she moved forward, slowly getting close to me.
"But they said... the forest.."
"But why would I? What's so wrong with the world outside that you want a wolf to grant your wish" She probably didn't think I was actually a mythical creature because the moment the wolf word came out of my mouth she stopped. Yet the determination in her eyes grew stronger, she was only being cautious.
"Because I belong here, I don't know why I just do. Please Jongin, please."

The rain was heavier than before. From where I was standing, with the crescent illuminating her features, I could see the pain in her face, in her heart. I saw a girl begging for her life, begging to be saved. I wasn't moved by many things, but for some reason the forest brought me to her. I wanted to perceive that delicious scent forever.
She had taken the words out of my mouth; she had known my name. Only our pack members knew the wolves' names and she wasn't a wolf. It didn't matter how delicious her scent was, she was still a human. Who was she?

Why was I here in the first place?
Why do I want to take her hand and bring her with the others? Give her my coat and my warmth?

"I told you... I belong here... Kim Jongin"
"Should I trust you? Someone I don't know that knows my name?"
"I trust you. I always have, since the first time the forest called me"

 I always have, since the first time the forest called me"

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