Chapter 1 Mum is Dead

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Mattie ran down the hall of the Palace with her two older brothers right on her heels, 12 year old Harry tried to run past her but she blocked him and ran harder as their 15 year old brother William tried to tell them to slow down but he was laughing to hard to be taken seriously.
Mattie came into the room first and launched herself into her mother's waitings arms, who happly caught her as the two older boys alos hugged her crushing Mattie between them and their Mum. Diana hugged her three childen as she laughed and kissed each of them several times. Until Mattie tried to squirm out complaining that she couldn't breathe. Charles watched with a happy look on his face, but his eyes had saddness in them. The parents hated that their children didn't get enough time with either parent since the break up. He would miss the noise that comes from having three very active children under his roof for month, but he would be lying if he didn't say that he is also looking forward to the quiet. When they come back they are all going on holiday with the family in Scotland, but he'll bet money that his daughter will beg to stay with Diana and he'll give into her.
"Let me look a all of you". Diana said with a smile on her pretty face.
The three stood still in front of her from oldest to youngest and Diana kissed each of them as she smiled and stroked them in the head, how she loved her children. They were a picture of what was good in the world. They were all so different and yet they were so much a like. They all loved each other and their parents unconditionally. William, her first born the heir to the throne. He had such a gental smile to go with his gental heart. He was a born leader and one that people wanted to follow, a fierce protector of not only his younger brother and sister but of his Mum as well. He followed in her footsteps with helping the homeless and other people in need. He will make a great king and Diana couldn't wait to see the day he ruled.
Next was Harry, her spitefire. He was the spare, but he was so much more than that. He was loyal to a fault, always in his brother and sister's corner. He was the person William would lean on the most. He had a wild streak in him that Diana encourged. He had a huge heart that she knew would lead him to do great things. He was her joker, his siblings were usually the victims of his practical jokes, but they rearly got made at him. No one could stay mad at Harry, he would flash his smile and laugh and all would be forgiven. He was William's biggest cheerleader and Mattie's best friend. She was so looking forward to seeing the wonderful things he will do.
And then there was her youngest and only girl, she wasn't planned but what a blessing she was. She was neither a Heir or a spare since girls cannot rule. She was a ball full of energy since the day she was born. She never sits still. She wears her emotions on her sleeve. She adores her older brothers, her and Harry share the gene for trouble and she gets in plenty of it on her own. She has a heart of gold and will do anything to make the people she loves happy. Like her mother and brothers she has the urge to help those who need it. Diana knows she will grow and devote her life to charities. Diana can recall many a night when she would have to hold her as she cried because she saw an orphan or a hurt animal or a bombing in another country. She was a tomboy and hated to wear dresses unless she was forced to. She also had a very strong bond with her grandmother the Queen and would spend many hours in the older ladies room just talking to her. Diana could hardly wait to see her grow into a strong woman, but God bless the man that tries to tame this wild child.
As far as looks, all three looked different and yet looked alike. William had light brown hair and beautiful blue eyes, he was tall and was very handsome. Girls all over England had crushes on him. Harry had red hair like his grandfather and freckles on his young face. His eyes were blue and always shining with laughter. Then there was her daughter, she looked the most like her. She had the same color blond hair and blue eyes, like Harry she had freckles.
"Tell your father bye, the car is waiting." Diana told them and like Charles it sadden her to see their children have to split their time between parents.
William shook his Dad's hand, he was too old for hugs now.
Harry hugged him, so did Mattie. "Bye Pop," they said together.
"Love you Pa." Harry said as he walked away.
"I love you Papa." Mattie said as she pulled him down so she could hug his neck and kiss his cheek.
"I love you too my angle face." He said as he kissed her. "I love you boys, you three be good for your Mum and i'll see you in a month."
They nodded and walked out yelling bye again over their shoulder. They got in the back of the SUV as their mother got in the front with the driver. Their bodyguards followed the family behind as they drove out of the gates of Kensinton Palace and right by a bunch of paparazzi. They all frowned as flashes went off.
"Wish they'd leave us alone for a minute." Mattie complained as she covered her face with her jacket.
William frowned and pulled her to him, "Hide your face in me Mattie bug." He told her.
She did as Harry waved at them and stuck his tonge out at them. Mattie didn't look up until William told her that they were away from them. She sat up between her brothers as they drove to their Mother's place. It was a long drive and before long William and Harry started to hit each other as Mattie ducked out of the way until one hit her and she turned and smacked both of them. All three started to yell at one another until Diana turned and told them to stop. They obeyed her. Mattie laid her head on William and closed her eyes as Harry pulled her legs up and placed them on his lap. Before long the car put all three out and it was a quiet ride after that.
Once they got home, Diana woke them up so they could walk in the house. They ate a late dinner and went to bed, only to be woken up when Mattie screamed and cried out as she was having a horrific nightmare. Diana ran to her daughter's room right as the boys did. She sat on the bed and lightly shook her. "Wake up my luv." She soothed.
Mattie's eyes popped open and she clung to her mother and cried. "Had a dream you died Mum, in a car crash, it was horrible." She cried.
Diana rocked her as she rubbed the shaking child. "There, there baby, it was just a nasty nightmare. I'm fine my luv, no need to cry."
"It was bad Mummy, so bad."
"i know, but it's over now sweetie, all over."
"It scared me."
"I know it did, but you're safe now."
"Can i sleep with you Mummy?" She asked as she looked at her, her face wet from tears.
Diana smiled at her as she whiped her face. "Will it make you feel better?"
Mattie nodded.
"Alright then, come on."
The two went to Diana's room and the boys went back to bed and once more the house fell quiet.
The family had a great time just staying at the house for the first week, the second week she took them to a homeless shelter and other places like that. The third week they went to a amusement park and had the best of time even with the paparazzi following them. They still laughed and played and ignored them for the most part. They always followed the Royal family, the three kids grew up with it. But it still annoyed them at times, William really hated them. Harry and Mattie just learned how to play along with it all.
The night before they were to go back to their Dad's they sat at the dinner table.
"Where are you going Mum?" William asked her.
"Can you three keep a secret?" She asked.
They all nodded.
"I'm going to Bosina to address land mines, no body knows that i am going there. No press, not even your father."
"Can I go Mum?" Mattie asked.
"No baby not to that. But when I get back I am going to Paris we can ask your Pop if you can join me there. It has to be okay with him because it is his time not mine and you are going on holiday with the family."
She signed as she looked at her brother.
"Nope squirt, i want to go on holiday." William told her.
"Me too" Harry added. "Sorry Mum."
"No boys, don't be sorry." Diana said. "I know how much you love them."
"Well I want to go to Paris with you Mum." Mattie declaired. "Beatrice and Gina are boring, so if Pop says yes can I come with you to Paris?"
"'Only if your father agrees to it. And don't pester him either."
"I won't. Thanks Mummy."
They spent a quiet night at home, playing games and watching TV. The next day they left for the palace, once they got back home they all hugged Charles and their grandparents. Then they hugged and kissed their mother goodbye. Later that night as Charles came to see if Mattie needed help packing she asked him about Paris. He sat on the bed and pulled her on her lap. "What about Scotland and your cousins?" He asked.
"Pop, they are boring. They just want to do girly things and the boys won't let me play with them. It won't be for the whole holiday, just some of it. Mum will get me on August 30 and bring me back by September 5th. Can i go Pop?"
He signed but nodded.
She through her arms around his heck and kissed his cheek. It would be a decision that Charles would come to regret for the rest of his life. In the end it was agreed that Mattie would meet her mother in New Zealand on August 23rd to go on the yaht with her and her boyfriend Dodi Fayed and they would fly together to Paris on August 30th and spend a week there before bringing Mattie back. Dodi spoiled both Diana and her daughter for the entire trip. At first Mattie didn't want to like him, but she soon did. Mattie really iked that no one knew that they were out there and they were able to have fun without flashes going off every minute. It felt gret to be normal for a while. Plus she had her mom all to herself. They talked for hours, Diana told her all about he childhood and her dreams and Mattie told her mother about her dreams and wishes for the future. She told her mom that her grandmother was going to change the rule that girls can't rule and when she did it would make Mattie a spare and 4th in line for the throne. She was nervous about that but excited as well. Diana was thrilled to hear that. She knew her daughter could handle the resposiblty.
They landed in Paris on August 30th and the press was all over them as soon as they got out of the secure part of the airport. Diana held her daughter close to her her as their bodyguards pushed them away from them. Once in the hotel they were able to catch their breath, all three were tired and frustrated. They went to their rooms and cleaned up and changed. Diana and Mattie went shopping in the afternoon, and the paparazzi followed their every step. But the Royal mother and daughter ignored them. When they got back to the Apartment they both napped and it was late when they went to dinner.
Diana called the boys before they left for dinner, William got on the phone first and the 15 year old was rushed, wanting to get back to hanging out with his cousins. He also said a quick hi to his sister and after only 15 minutes Harry got on the phone, hee said a quick hi to Mattie and told her he missed her and loved her and then talked to his mother and like his brother the conversation was quick and rushed as Harry also wanted to get back to playing with his cousins.
Dido, Diana and Mattie left for their late dinne after they hung up with the boys. The three enjoyed their dinner laughing a lot. They knew that the paparazzi was out front so right before they left they sent a decoy car and went out the back door, hoping they could get back to the Apartment to relax before they flew out to London tomorrow.
But the decoy did not work and soon they were being chaised by men on mopeds and cars, all the while taking pictures.
"Why are they doing this Mum?" Mattie cried as she curled close to her Mum who had her arms protectivelyaround the young girl.
"I don't know luv, but it'll be okay." Diana told her gently even though Diana was mad. She wished for just one night of peace and they can't even do that.
Dido ordered the driver to loose them and the bodyguard told Diana to hold tight.
They entered a tunnel with the paparazzi following them, the car was going fast and within seconds it went out of control and spun several times and it hit a pole hard, wreaking the car as he flipped several times.
Mattie woke up and everything was quiet and she hurt a lot all over.She looked around and first she saw Dido lying dead, she cried out and moved away.
"Easy baby." Diana said as flashes continued to go off.
"Mummy," She cried as she looked at her.
Diana frowned as she looked at her daughter, Mattie was bleeding from a cut on her head, right on her hairline above her forehead. She had several brusies on her face, her right arm was clearly broken and her collar bone looked broken. Her left knee was swollen and bleeding and she coud see a bad bruise already forming on her side. She was worried about her. She also knew she was critcally injured, but she needed to get Mattie help. "You'll be okay darling, I promise." She said, as the door was pulled open and flashes went off. "Leave us alone." She begged as the police looked in and offered words of encouragement.
They pulled Mattie out first, she was in the ambulance crying for her mother when they pulled Diana out, who went into cardiac arrest but they got her back. They loaded her in the ambulance with Mattie and sped off.
"I love you Mattie." Diana said as she held her close. "Tell Will and Harry I love them. Always stay together because together you three are unstoppable. I will always be with all three of you, always."
"I love you Mum, I'm scared."
"I know, but it'll be fine."
"Are you dying Mummy?" She asked as she looked at her.
Diana frowned, she knew she was dying. She felt it. "I think so baby, I'm sorry. I want to stay, but i don't think I can. Please tell your brothers that all thre of you are my world and I will never be far away. I love you my sweet baby girl, so very much. Know i am so honored to be the mother of you three."
"Mummy, please don't leave, please." She cried.
Diana frowned as she blinked back her tears. "Everything will be okay baby. You are strong."
"I love you." Mattie cried.
Diana went into cardiac arrest again, an EMT gently pulled the 11 year old girl away, even though the child faught him. "Please sweetheart, please let us work on your Mum." He told her softly.
Mattie sobbed as she begged for her mother to stay. They got to the hospital and took each to a different room, but they left Mattie for a minute and Mattie went to find her mother. She soon found her her and the child easly slipped in with out anyone seeing her. She sat in the corner as she watched in silence with no expression onher young face. She sat on the cold floor with her knees pulled to her chest and her chin on her knees for over an hour as they worked and worked on her mother. She never felt the pain in her body and she never took her eyes off of Diana's face. She didn't cry when they stopped or when the doctor called it, but that was when they noticed her in the corner. The doctor cussed and ordered the nurse to get her. A male nurse came over and scooped her up.
"Please can i kiss her?" Mattie whispered.
The nurse looked at the doctor who just sadly nodded. The nurse brought her over to Diana.
Mattie hugged and kissed her. "Mummy, I love you so much. You are my hero." She said softly. "I'm gonna make you proud, me Harry and Will, we all will. I'll miss you so much. I love you."
Everyone in the room looked away as thet whiped their tears.
The nurse carried her out and to her hospital room, Mattie looked at her mom until she couldn't see her anymore, so she turned and rested her head on his shouder. Once he laid her down she asked to call her brother William. He frowned, but nodded. "But quick little one." He said. "The doctor is calling your father now."
She nodded as he handed her the hospital phone, he didn't leave the room as he sarted to clean her up.
Mattie dialed the number to the room that her brothers were staying in. The place the family was staying at had a lot of rooms, and several phone lines and numbers. William and Harry had a phone in their room. She waited as the phone rang and soon a groggy William answered the phone. "Hello?"
"Will," She said as tears came to her eyes.
"Mattie, what are you doing calling so early?"
"Will where's Harry?"
William frowned, something inher voice worried him. He yelled for Harry to come over as another phone in the house rang.
"We're both here." William told her as he put the phone between them.
"Guys, there was a accident." She said completely toneless.
"What do you mean?" Harry questioned.
"We were in a car crash, the press was chaising us and we crashed." She said as her voice shook.
"Oh my God, are you okay?" William asked.
"Is Mum okay? Whee are you two? Where's Mum?" Harry asked alarmed.
"It was bad and Mum is dead." She said as she started to cry.
"What?" William hissed as he pulled Harry to him.
"Can you come? I'm alone and scared, can you please come and get me. I wanna go home, please Will, please Harry come and get me please." She begged as she started to sob.
"Yeah, yeah we will. But Mattie bug are you sure?" William asked as Harry got up and started to pace.
"I'm sure Will positive. I watched her. Mum is dead." She told him sadly.
Before William answered his door opened and their father came, a look of shock and horror on his face and both boys knew that it was true. Harry turned away as he shook his head, "Oh God, why?" He whispered.
"Is that your sister?" Charles asked as he walked over and put his hand out.
William gave him the phone, "Yeah it is. This is really happening huh?"
Charles frowned but nodded. "Mattie." He said simply.
"Papa, please come, pease." She begged. "I'm scared and alone and hurt and I need all of you, please hurry Papa pease. Mum, she's dead and I wanna be home with you." She was sobbing.
Charles took a deep breath as he pulled his two sons to him, his heart was breaking for his three children but more for his daughter, since she saw it and he wasn't there to give her strength. "We're leaving as soon as we get changed. Baby I a so sorry that i'm not there, but i swear I will be soon. I love you my Angle face, love you so very much."
"Why did they chaise us Daddy? Why? Then they took picures after the crash? Why would they do that? The doctors tried, but they couldn't save her, they just couldn't. Please hurry, please hurry and bring my brothers please."
"I will sweetie, we will all be there. Are you hurt my sweet girl?"
"I don't know, just come."
"I will."
He hung up and he and the two boys left, they met up with Diana's two sisters and they all left for Paris. Charles had already called his mother and informed her of Diana's death. She was very worried about her grandchildren, more Mattie then the boys.
Meanwhile in Paris, the doctor examined Mattie, he had gotten permission from Charles to sedate Mattie which he did. He cast her arm and put it in a sling, he fixed the collar bone and stitched her many cuts. She had three broken ribs and bad bruising in her midsection, but no internal injuries. Her right knee was broken and she had a bad cut on her calf. She had a moderate head injury.
Charles and Diana's sisters went to idenify the body and William an Harry went to their sister's room. They both foze whenthey saw her injuried face. The walked to the bed and William laid behind her and wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head as Harry laid in front of her and even in her sleep she put her good arm around him hugging him tight.
"We'll here little sister." Harry told her as he bliked back the tears.
"Me and Harry are both here, so is Pop." William told her as he kissed her head again. He was forcing himself not to cry. He wanted to be strong for his little brother and sister. So he pushed his grief down.
Mattie opened her eyes and signed in relief when she knew her brothers were beside her. She felt safe. "I'm glad your two are here." She said softly, but without tears.
"So are we Mattie bug." William said.
"Is Pop?"
"He is, he'll be here soon."
"Can we go home?"
"This sucks." Harry said.
"It does,' William agreed.
Charles came and frowned when he saw his three children on the bed. His three kids were never still and quiet so to see them like this breaks his heart. He knew he would have to be strong to get them through this. He walked over and picked his daughter up and sat downon the bed as the boys sat up.
Mattie hugged her father and hid her face in his shouder and cried.
"It's okay baby, I'm here and I so love you." He soothed as he rubbed her back. and the boys hugged them and the family cried for the lose they just suffered.
Mattie looked at her father, "This isn't a nightmare huh? Mum is dead."

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