Even though I was relieved, I still felt stupid. Stupid I told her, stupid and dumb that I made myself feel even more vulnerable than before.

But the worry was too much to bare on my own. I hope she knew that.

"Chloe." She took a hold of my hand. It was comforting and not like Sarah at all. "I promise you, I won't say a word."

And when she said it, I knew she truly meant it. My worry dispersed a little more, not totally but enough to relax further.

God, I hope she'd stick to her promise forever.

Before I could say another word, the door barged open. I jumped again, jumping away from Sarah, taking my hand away from hers. Sarah drank from her coffee cup.

"Alright, ladies?" A member of staff I wasn't quite sure of entered the room. I gave him a weak smile, gave Sarah a weak smile and stood up, walking to the door.

I looked back at Sarah. She winked at me and I felt supported by that.

I left the room in a hurry. I couldn't speak to anyone else today without wanting to blow up in to pieces.

I had to get on with my job.

I walked down the corridor, sneakily wiping away the tears remaining on my cheeks. If anyone was to ask me what was wrong, I'd just tell them my nan was in hospital.

That was a good enough excuse, surely.

I made my way in to the dining hall as dinner was fast approaching. Inmates were also making their way in to the hall, ready to eat.

I tried to erase all memories of Aaron and Sarah and everything else that was making me a nervous wreck. I tried to put it all to the back of my mind but it was hard when Aaron seemed to be everywhere I went.

As soon as I entered the hall, I knew he was in there. I searched the room as if I was drawn to him, as if I needed to see him.

And once I laid my eyes on him, it was as if he felt the same. His eyes moving, moving and moving until finally, they landed on me.

It was as if he knew I had been crying, as if he could feel and sense the distress I was feeling. His face dropped and his eyes darkened just a little.

How could he read my mind like that? How could I read his like that?

Fuck, I really do like you Aaron King.

And it's happened so fast.

It was as if my worries all melted away when looking in to his eyes. It was as if he could save me, keep me safe and happy all in one.

I could trust him. Surely I could trust him. I had no other choice, I knew that.

I still had so many unanswered questions, however. How did his cellmate take the news? Was he going to tell anyone? I would be surprised if he did tell someone, Aaron was scary and I'd hate to be on the other end of it. How would Aaron react knowing I told Sarah?

Fuck, my life was a mess. Really.

"Follow me in two minutes. I'll be in my cell." In the mists of my mind, I hadn't realised Aaron had walked up to me and leaned in to my ear until he spoke.

My heart raced. All I did was nod firmly. His body left the side of me and I yearned for it back.

Two minutes of pure torture and worry, I left the dining hall, making my way to his cell. I'd tell anyone who asked that Aaron wasn't eating and I was making sure he'd make his way to the hall for food.

Christ, so many secrets, I couldn't keep up.

"King." I said his name with authority. I was surprised I could even muster the energy to do it, especially with the worry I felt inside.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his face a picture of worry.

"What do you mean what's wrong?" I scoffed. I hadn't meant to, but was he serious right now? What was wrong? Everything was wrong.

"I know, stupid question." He sighed. He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm no good at this."

"Good at what?" I asked.

"This." He said. "Caring, I suppose." He shrugged. "I don't like it when you look so scared."

He really could see it.

"Of course I'm scared. Is Jeff going to tell anyone?"

"He'd be dead if he did." Was his only response. I believed that. It's not like he hasn't got the inability to kill, after all.

"I told Sarah." I gushed out. I couldn't keep it from him. "I told her I'm sleeping with you. I didn't mean to, it just came out. I couldn't keep it in." I was rambling. I didn't know what else to do.

"It is what it is." Aaron shrugged again. "You got someone to vent to and so do I. You'll be fine. She'll be dead too if she tells anyone, trust me."

I didn't want Sarah dead, not one bit, but it gave me the comfort I needed for now.

"Life is so messed up." I whispered.

"You're telling me." He scoffed. "Yet, my life hasn't been more right for years."

"You think this is right?"

"It may not be right, but it doesn't feel wrong, not one bit."

I sighed. He was right.

When had wrong felt so right?


Hey guys! So sorry it's been super super long.

I've been so busy !!

Hopefully I can upload quite a bit throughout Christmas.

Hope this chapter was okay, I feel a little rusty.

Thank you for the support! I appreciate it so much:)

Aaron | ON HOLDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt