Chapter 11~ waking up to you.

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Tyler's POV: I wake up to the smell of clone and apple. I humm in delight as the smells keep refill my nose over and over again. I let my eyes open. I remove a few crust's from my eye before I look around the room. It's hard to do that though, because I have arms wrapped around me. Wait....arms? I start to think, but then last nights events roll threw my mind. A smile spreads across my face. I can't believe all that happened. I was sure it was some weird dream fantasy of mine. Not weird because of me being with Sawyer, but because I saw Sam and Sawyer kissing. Why would I 've dreamt of that? Anyways, I turn my face up to be looking at his. He's face is so relaxed.

His lips in a pout form and his long eye lashes fon over his cheeks. He's cheeks look extra chubby because his face is pressed up against my fluffy pillow. I giggle quietly at the sight. I know we're not official, but we are both giving us a chance. I mean, just thinking about having a sorta kind of boyfriend, makes me really happy. I've always wanted someone to put all my love and attention too. Because I haven't ever really had anyone to do that with. But, i've also never have had anyone do that with me. Maybe, just maybe, he can be that person.

Can you imagine? I can. I can see us staying up all night, talking. Watching movies. Holding hands. Being playful. Being intimate. Is this weird? already seeing how things might end up? Probably. But, I couldn't careless. I like this, this feeling he gives me. It's unfamiliar, but comfortable. I was broken from my thoughts by Sawyer's lips on the side of my head.

"Good morning."

He says in a whisper, yet broken horse voice from just waking up. That voice, I dunno, makes me..... have an uncomprehendable feeling. But I can tell it's a good kind of feeling.

"Morning to you as well. Want me to make you some breakfast?"

"M'cofortable thou."

He wines in a cute voice. I chuckle at him and cuddle into him. I like this. I mean, I really like this. He kisses under my ear and shuffles out of bed.

Sawyer slid out of bed and put his shirt back on. Not that I minded when it was off.

 “Are your parent’s home?”

 “ Shouldn’t be. Why?”


  He turns to me, fully clothed, with a smile.

“I was thinking, I don’t know you all that well..”

 He looks nervous and shy. Aw…. That makes him look so cute.

 “And maybe, If you want to and don’t already have plans, that you might want to watch movies and get to know each other a little better.”


 I smile. That sounds fun. I get up and kiss Sawyer’s cheek.

 “So, want me to make some breakfast while you choose a movie.”

 “Sounds good”

He grabs my hand and pulls me down the hallway with him. I could get used to this. I show him how the TV and everything works. He starts looking threw movies while I skip off to the kitchen to make breakfast. I can’t keep the smile off of my face. Who would have thought that things would turn out this good for me? I definitely didn’t. I was expecting him and I to be friends, never anything more.

 Boy am I glad that’s not the case. I rummage threw the fridge and find out the only things we have, is ice cream and frozen meat. Crap.

 “Hope you like cookie doe Ice cream…”

 He laughs and says yeah. I’m so glad he likes ice cream, or that’d be embarrassing. I grab the carton and two spoons. I entered the living room to see Sawyer rapped up in my winy the poo blanket. I giggled and go right next to him.

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