Chapter 5~ Doctor Who

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Sawyer's POV: The apartment guys name was Jake. He's quite the nice guy. He said Johns his dad and he owns the whole place. Jake just works there as the gut who kicks people out if they don't pay the rent. He had asked me how old I was and I might have said 18 instead of 15. I told him I look young for my age. 

At the moment, I trying to unlock the annoying lock on my door with my new keys. I'm really happy I got the place so soon. I was expecting it to take longer. But I just talked to Jake and his dad, signed a leacee, and they handed me the keys. Pretty easy if you ask me. Of course I looked around before choosing, but this one was the one that stood out the most. I finally heard a 'click' noise, signaling that they door is free to open with out problems.

Once I stepped, I set my things down. It's a nice one bedroom place with a balcony. The wooden floors are beautiful. They look glossy and the wood is light brown. At lest I don't have that much to unpack. I take out my black phone charger. I look for an outlet and plug it in. I leave my phone be to charge while I leave the apartment once again.

Can't really live some where with out food. I step out of the building and make my way to the little market around the corner. It's a good thing I still have my jacket on because it started to rain when I got to the market. Before I go in, I count my money. After i'm done, I try to think of a good way to spend $14. Hopefully I can get enough to last me the weekend before I start my job.


Tyler's POV: This. fucking. Day. Couldn't. Go. Any. Fucking. SLOWER! It feels like I have been here half my life and it's not even lunch yet. I'm in french at the moment. And trust me, I love french, but did it have to be RIGHT before lunch?! My stomach won't shut up. Finally after what feels like a decade and a half later, it's lunch time. I gather all my things and make my way down the hall. I try to keep my head down to avoid Sam from seeing me.

I'm successful and get to my locker with out trouble. I unlock it and throw my binders and folders in side the narrow locker but take a book with me. After that, I hurry down to the lunch room. I step in and everyone's to busy to notice me. I get in the line and wait behind non other than my worst enemy. No, not Sam. His buddy Kade. Kade's the one that turned Sam against Matthew and I. He's always been  homophobic. I just look down and try to ignore him. Unfortunately, that dosen't work so well.

"Oh hey fag. Get behind me to look at my ass?"


I mumble. God what a dick face.

"Sure you didn't."

"Just leave me alone would you?"

I say in almost a whisper. I didn't really want him to hear me.

"What was that homo?"

"Leave me alone would you? You already took my best friend from me, what more do you want?"

I say a little louder, getting a irritated. He bend down and chuckled in my ear, giving me shivers, and not the good kind.

"Aw. Poor little fag boy dosen't have any friends? Now, who's fault is that? If you didn't want to like dick, you could have friends."

He barks in my ear.

"I-It's n-n-not a choice."

I say, afraid that he's going to punch the shit out of me. He shoves me, pushing me back into someone.


I turn around and say to the person behind me.

"It's ok."

She says. Finally, a person in this school who dosen't want to be the shit out of me. I turn back to Kade. He looks even more mad then before. What did I do now?

"Did you just touch my girlfriend?"

Oh come on!

"I-Its was an a-a-accident!"

"Your going to pay!"

I clench my eyes shut and ready to get punched in the face. But then I hear a bunch of gasps. Did I already get punch and i'm just going into the light so I didn't feel lt?

"Don't hit him Kade! God is that all you ever do is punch people?"

I open my eyes and to my amazement, his girlfriend is holding his hand in mid air like he was about to punch me.

"But he hurt you."

"He bumped into into me and he said sorry! What is wrong with you? Do you want to get in more trouble than you already are?"

I'm just sitting here, with my eyes wide with that 'what the fuck' look. Even though the only reason she's stopping him is because she dosen't want to have her boyfriend in trouble... it still feels nice to have someone stick up for you.

"But babe he-"

"Let it go or no kissy time."

He just rolled his eyes.

"What ever. You got lucky this time loser."

He shoves ,e against the wall and leaves with out lunch. It was only then that I realized that everyone was looking at me. Well, this isn't awkward at all... note me sarcastic tone.


I say as I watch everyone's eyes on me, and a few of then whispering to their friends. I just look away and get some lunch. Once I get some, I hurry to my table where I sit alone and start to read my book that I brought with me. Lunch is pretty much like that and the rest of the day went by in a blur. I get home and much to my delight my mom isn't. I turn on the TV and turn on Doctor Who. It's one of my favorite shows. I pop some popcorn and get ready for a Doctor Who marathon.


That's what I pretty much did all weekend. Well, and read some fan-fiction about one direction.

But then Monday just had to some didn't it? It's been raining ever since Friday, and today was no different. I rolled out of bed, literally, and ended up on the floor. Of course I did. I sighed and get up. I took and quick shower. I dunno why, but i'm in a really good mood today.

little did Tyler know, today would be the day that Tyler meet the love of his life.


I'M SORRY THIS IS 2 DAYS LATE! Editing took forever, and I have a friend over, then I didn't feel good! I'm really sorry. But to make it up to you, I will start the next chapter right now and it will be up sometime this week, and I will try to make it long.

and thanks to the people who have been leaving comments! And thanks for all the reads, and flowers, and for being patient, and being nice, and votes, JUST THANK FOR 4 EVERYTHING!

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