Chapter 6~ new friends

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Sawyer's POV: Turns out, $45 can by a whole weekends worth of food. Who knew? I found the rest of my money in my other pocket, I can be a blonde sometimes. If you're wondering, my weekend was me playing with my phone. Witch surprisingly hasn't been cut off yet. But today is my first day of work.... and school.

Mr. Mony said he would gladly be my 'parent' and sign me up for school. I thanked him about a thousand times. But my weekend also involved a lot of crying. Over my parents. Over my best friend. The thought of not seeing my sisters. I cried, and cried, and well... cried. It's hard living with the fact that your family dosen't want you around or accepts you. It's unsettling. I looked at my phone and the time read

5:30 P.M

I'm up a little early but I just can't help it. It's like you first day back at school. You don't really know why but your completely excited and can't sleep. Like the night before Christmas or Easter. I hop out of bed and look around my room. Not much. I slept on my hoodie and laid all my stuff across the floor. Lucky, I bought a towel while I was out so I don't have to use my hoodie for that too. I also bought some shampoo. I was a 2 in one kind of thing.

I stepped into the warm shower and started to wash my self. I liked watching the soap run off my body and make it's way into the hole infested drain. After I washed the rest of my body and my hair, I just stood there for a while. Not really thinking but, just standing there, enjoying the warmth. The feeling of the water hitting my skin and rolling off my body. It's a nice feeling. But then I remembered I should get ready for my first day of school and work.

Mrs. Oakley said that she only really needs help in the afternoon. So I have an hour after school each day to do some homework, take another shower, and get to the office. My days going to be busy, but at lest I will start to get some money. I just wish I was old enough to drive. Then I wouldn't have to walk everywhere. But I guess it help me exercise and saves the planet. Good thing the building isn't so far from the apartment's and I can ride the bus to school. I'm just nervous about being the new kid. I haven't ever been the new kid before. But I don't think it'll be that bad. Mr. Mony took me yesterday to get registered and I got my schedule and when the bus comes.

The thing i'm worried about is what if my parents find me? Are they even looking? I just sigh. If they do find me, and even if they apologize- witch I highly doubt will happen- I will just tell them I want to be on my own. I will be sixteen soon and that's when Brandon left. Did I forget to say that I have a brother? Well he's the oldest. He got to move out with a friend when he was sixteen. But when I was smaller, him and I would always hand out. He died a year ago while fighting the war. His twenty-forth birthday is in a few months. Maybe I will go visit his grave.

Shaking my head, I go to my bedroom and grab some clothes. I pulled out some blue jeans and a long sleeve shirt. I rolled up the sleeves and put my howdy on. I rolled up the sleeves on that as well. I looked at my self in the mirror. I fixed my hair so it was in kind of quiff. I took out my ear ring and washed it. Then put it back in. I headed back to my room and got my back pack. I rushed out to the kitchen. I went to the fridge and got out the jelly. I went to the cabinets to get some bread. I made my self a jelly and well... jelly sandwich. I haven't got plates yet so I just eat up. I know, a sandwich for breakfast. But it would have to do till I start getting paid.  Once I finished my sandwich, I went to the sink and washed out my mouth with some water.

After that, I grabbed my back pack, slug it over my shoulder, Got my black converse on, and went out side. I brought my phone with me, just in case. I waited for a while in the rain before the bus came. New start... here I come.


 Tyler's POV: I got off the bus while yawing. I might be in a better mood but it's still Monday. Hopefully Sam will be to tired to push me around. I laugh at my self. Yea right. I swear his life goal is to make my life a living hell. I make my way to my locker and start to unlock it. It takes me some time, but I eventually get it. 

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