Chapter 2

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The carriage is just for show. We will probably travel for a few miles. Then we will stop at the train station, and travel in the royal express to the nearest station to the school. Another carriage will take me the rest of the way, again for the show.
I think it is a little...stupid. We could have been there if we flew but father says this is how he imagined it. The princess Calypso on her way to her future all the while connecting with the people.
Again it's stupid.

The train is slender and slick, rounded over. Ours is silver with purple trim. Others are white and green, and far smaller.
People chatter all around. They all quiet though when I stride by, instead hushed " your majesty's" I inwardly smile, my people, respect me or at least pretend.
My guards flank me on all sides until I reach the door, which slides open smoothly, I step in.

I lift my dress slightly so that my feet can be sure where they step over the gap between platform and express.
Me, a princess of a powerful nation, afraid of the simple gap between platform and train.
My feet do not wobble and the fleeting feeling of danger is gone as quickly as it came.

The compartment I sit in is mine and mine alone, leaving me utterly bored. I am just about to get up and explore when I realize that the train is slowing down. My heart stops and then seems to jump against my ribs.
Please don't be an oil stop, please, please.
Oil stops are long and boring. But that can't be it, they would have done it before I got on so why are we stopping?
" Princess Calypso, the king, and queen have ordered a stop here, there is someone we must take with you." A small boy says.
" Thank you." I nod and he fumbles with the door, probably because he is young and a royal showed him relative manners.
I sit there for another minute before I hear voices outside of my door. I calm down a little, my breathing slowing.

The door slides to the side and an old man walks into my compartment, my personal place! What is so important that he must intrude?
Just after him, walks in a young man. He must be my age, he is also very handsome. He has light brown hair, just barely darker than my own. His eyes seem to be a dark color but I can't make them out from this distance so I stand.
" Your majesty, this is Prince Daniel. He is to accompany you to your destination where he will also be attending," the old man tells me. " I am his advisory, Jack."
I offer a small smile. " Prince Daniel," I bow my head slightly. " Jack."

They sit across from me, and usually, I would dismiss them, but they are supposed to be my allies in this new place. So I will watch them, and learn about my new allies--just in case they cross me.

Author's note: I'm sorry for the short chapter, I just really had nothing more for this scene;)

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