" excuse me. .you're a singer. ..right. .?"

   She humbly nodded, glued to the smile. ..

" Hey. ..i have listened your albums. ..they're. ..just amazing. .."

Voluntarily, he took the trolly and walked parallel to her. ..

" hai. ..i am vinodh...."

" suman Tiwari. .."

She introduced formally. ..

" I know. ..your voice is something great. .."

She smiled little. ..it had become like a habit for her. .Hearing to all the sweet words ,particularly from young adults. .He must be one among them at her view. .

     She had come to attend a college cultural meet ...and the students were at the airport to receive her with due respect. ..

    " Hey. ..it's really her. ..!!"

  "I love your songs madam. ..!!!"

"Autograph ma'm. ."

Amidst all the excited youths, she got into the car. ..

Once the car moved from the airport, vinodh sighed. ..

  He touched his call history and spoke in secret voice. ..

   " sham. ..done. ..I am just following the GPRS. .I will keep informing you. .."

Igniting his bike on, he started to follow the maroon datsun Go casually ...at times, he checked his watch to the GPRS system that he had fixed at her luggages. ..


  Suman stretched her arms, bending right to left. ..tieing the messy hair into a bun, she walked to the French window. ..it was beautiful to see the landscape from there,hiding all the dirty places into nothing. ...

Same like her life. ....!!!

Sarcasm peaked her mind . her life was bed of roses in front of the world. ..but,in reality  she was not  how she looks. ..

   Being a single woman, her mother had to struggle a lot with the society to bring her up. ..this automatically made suman to become rough and tough. .she didn't want to live a life like her mother. ..hence, she showcased herself to be bold  in every possible way. ..she designed her appearance and attitude for herself. ..

   After some time, she got practiced to what she's now. ..and she chose to follow her heart. ..Thus, she's a singer though her profession was completely different from her singing career...


Today evening, she had a live concert. ..

" I need some rest. .."

  She recalled that it would take thirty minutes to reach the college from the hotel. ..she recoiled herself in to the comfy as she needed some rest very badly. ..

That evening would be a treat for her fans. ...


    We welcome ms. Suman Tiwari, who's an upcoming youth icon  ...on behalf of our college I am previllaged to render our hearty welcome to her. ..

    Girls and boys, set back to enjoy. ..here's ms. Suman Tiwari. ..

   Exciting cheers topped until the sky. ..sumo  stood at the centre stage and waved at the crowd. ..the spot lights surrounded her. ..the laser lights were dancing around . ..the semi litted, exciting ambiance brought out so much positive vibes within her. ..

  Smiling broader, she took the mike ...shutting the eyes. ..from the deeper soul she began to sing. ..

   "come. ..come. ..show me the way. ..

   Show me the way. ..

    Be the sun. ..be the light. ..

  Be the moon. ..be the shine. ...

Come. ..come. ..show me the way. .

It's a sunshiny day. ..come

Take me away. .."

   She sung closing her eyes, from her heart. ..Enjoying every beat and rhythm of the music. ..

The crowd was like mesmerised and jelled with her tone, dancing like bewitched. ..

It took a long time for the crowd to come out of the concert. ..

Sumo got into the car that was arranged by the college. ..she had to return to chennai by the next day as per the plan. .

   seating at the passenger's seat, she put on the seat belt. .listening to the old numbers that were played through the FM, she leaned at back and dozed off momentarily. ..

   Sumo opened her eyes in a jerk, responding to the sudden break of the car. ..

  It was already midnight and the road had been abandoned like a haunted bungalow. ..it took some time for her to understand the scenario. ..

   Baffling, she looked at the driver who was bubbling with anger. ..looking at his view, sumo looked at the front. ..

    There stood a hulky jeep straight opposite to the car. ..sumo could outline a man sitting relaxed the bannet. ..

The car driver got tensed naturally and he got down from the car, scolding the occupant of the jeep. ..

" are you mad. .?idiot. ..don't you have no one to kill yourself. ..for a second, I would have dashed on you. ..have you gone crazy. ? I will call the police now. .."

Suddenly the jeep 's headlamps went on. ..sudden bright light made sumo to cover her eyes by her palms  ..she slowly opened her eyes at the man who jumped from the bannet. ..

   Seeing him, the driver seemed to be lost. ..His feet staggered and in a wink, he ran away to save his life. ..

  " bhaiya. .."

Her shout went vain.gulping hard,she got down from the car  completely unaware of the situation. ..

  Sumo looked around and found no one  to help  her.

She saw a bike that stood right behind the car   . A little hope peeped out .When she saw vinodh showing thumps up to the man. ..her little glint of hope too vanished. .she had no way to escape. ..

    Her throat parched and she sweated profuse out of scare. ..her voice box got numb to shout for help. ..

He stepped towards her slowly .

       He was taller ...His masculinity was evident in his every step that was bold and confident. ..His face was perfectly drawn to be a handsome hulk. ..His eyes were sharp and clear...He would be too charm if he smile ...

Standing close to her, he threw an awkward look from her top to toe. ..smiling wickedly, he spit out the chewing gum. ..

His appearance doesn't suite his behaviour. ..

   Thinking so, sumo thought to act brave. ..

" who a..r..e. ..

She didn't finish. ..vinodh covered her nostrils with mild sedatives. ..

Sumo fell on the  handsome man unconscious. ..He lifted her to the jeep and spoke to a number. ..

" sham here. ..done. .."

He started the engine on and drove to the outskirts of the city. ...





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