Chapter 7

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A/N: Doesn't Minato and Khushina look happy to meet their grandchildren.

*Present Time*

Naruto's Pov

I still couldn't believe that they are in past. Like how could they go to past. I just hope they won't go to the time period of the war. I told Shikamaru to take Ryogi to the Konoha Prison. I even wonder if there is any means of time travelling. Then I could meet Dad, Mom, Pervy-Sage and.......

"And a Scroll came into this Hokage tower without our knowledge." Teme finished. I noticed that I was too caught up in my own thoughts that they were already discussing a plan without me. Ouch....

*Yawn* " How about we ask the previous Hokages?"

"Ask Tsunade-baa-chan. Kaka-sensei might not know, considering how laid back he is."

"What I might not know..Na-ru-to.."

I whipped around to see Kakashi-sensei leaning on the door in a calm posture with a mockery smile on his face.i don't know but it just seems like it. Okay I respect Kakashi-sensei a lot but sometimes I am just plain scared of him.

"Our kids are stuck in past Kakashi-sensei.. and we are discussing how to bring them back." Sasuke finished without any hesitation.

"Oh in that case you should ask Tsunade-sama."

"*Yawn* Rokudaime what happened. You wouldn't come this far from your vacation unless you have to."

"As sharp as you are Shikamaru. I came here because....I forgot one of the most important thing in this office from my last visit."

"You mean the day before yesterday Sensei."

I narrowed my eyes at him. There is something fishy going on.
He came in the office and started searching as he lost his other half. He came near the racks where important deals were kept.

"I got it !!" He squealed like a small child on finding his lost toffee. We tried to peek what it is and it is indeed his other half. It was none other than the....

..Make-out tactics....

As expected from him. He took the book and stuffed that little book in his pocket and turned around.

"I finished my purpose here. Bye kids~~" he said while exiting the room.

"What the hell just happ--" I got cut off by Teme. Not fair I need to know what just happened.

"Naruto, we also want to know what just happened but for now..please our kids are stuck in past and we need to save them."

"Okay, fine."

We all headed to Tsunade-baa-chan's home.

*At Tsunade-sama's home*

We reached baa-chan's home. We all are seated inside the living room. Yo be honest, it is kinda filled sake bottles. Baa-chan finally enters and takes a seat among us.

"Naruto. What do want to talk about ?" She asks me

I was about to answer until Shikamaru butted in and said "long story short, the current team 7 is in past with the help of a certain scroll and we think that you might know some thing about it.

Her eyes widened for a second and came back to normal immediately.

"Wait, is that the scroll from the Hokage tower. How did they manage to get through the tight secur-"

"Apparently" Teme with his usual poker face, how can he be so calm. But I bet he is freaking out inside "some random guy who lacks presence managed to steal it, and unfortunately " he eyes me "mini dobe got the scroll and they all landed in the past."

Baa-chan blinked. "Does Sakura know about this?" She asks.

"No, we didn't tell her yet."

"Okay, I tell should not tell her that Sarada went to the past because it is kinda my....fault."

"Baa-chan, why wouldn't you want Sakura-chan to not know ?"

"Because" she says "she would not bring me my sake for a WHOLE month."

...okay the world is not serious any more...

"I won't tell Sakura if you would hurry."

"Hai. Hai. A promise is a promise okay let me tell you, one fine day when I was the Hokage, I was going through the old scrolls and there this one particular scroll that caught my interest. Like curiosity kills the cat, I went for the scroll. It was a scroll which can time travel with some more hidden powers. You know that there are no good gambling places now. What I thought was I would go nineteen years back, you guys would be twelve by that time, to find a good place to gamble. Apparently the scroll requires sharingan powers or a lot amount of chakra infact that I needed to use my stored chakra, inorder for it to work. I kept it like in a way that next time if it senses some ould automatically teleport them to that time period."

"How did that scroll end up here ?"

"I think Madara Uchiha created that scroll. He just loves to see happens in the future."

"Figured. If Madara created it , I think there would also be some greater power present in the scroll."

"B-But Teme, if they are in the past, wouldn't the person who meet them or sees them, would remembers them again."

"Don't worry Naruto." Baa-chan gives me a thumbs up. "According to the scroll, once they are out of that time zone, the people who the have met or seen, no would be able to remember a thing."

Oh, how convenient.

I got up from my place and headed towards the door and Baa-chan stopped me.

"Where are you going Naruto ?" She asks me with a hint of worry.

"Huh, I will go back to the tower and find any other scroll or with the help of Sasuke's Rinnegan go back in time and bring them back."

"Hmm seems like I haven't told about one thing.."

"Go on I am listening."

"That the scroll is the only way of time travelling."

"W-Wait does that mea-"

"Yes" she hisses "with out the scroll the you can't go to the nor save them."

A/N: I am back. I apologise for my lazyness and I kinda tried to make this chapter longer...... but I have no idea how it turned out. Anyway I would like to thank all of you who are peacefully reading this book and voting for it or adding it to their reading lists. I am really happy to know that there people out there reading this book and did you like the last cliffhanger. Now they can't go to save their kids. Ha. See you in the next one bye.😀😁🤗

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