Chapter 2

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Sarada pov's

The only thing I remember is my vision fading away. The next thing I saw is an unconscious Boruto, Mitsuki, and a not similar, thick, dense bushes and trees.

I went closer to them, approximately 1m  and... Inhale...... Countdown to 3...2...1...and Boruto and Mitsuki wake up its freaking midnight!!!!!! I know nobody wakes a person at midnight but I simply love getting on their nerves. Haha. They woke up with a jolt and I am pretty sure that they, especially Boruto was not happy to see where we landed.

"It's your fault for landing in an unknown place, dattebasa."

"We would actually be in a better condition if we were with Konohamaru sensei."

"It's all because of that stupid scroll."

"You opened it."

"You also wanted to see it okay."

"Well but yo-"

"You two sure get along with each other." said Mitsuki with his typical smile.

"And how is that!?" We both yelled together.

"Sure, you both 'don't get along with eachother'."

I sighed.

"Fine. First let's us find Konohamaru-sensei and finish our mission"

They agreed and we started searching for him.


We were continuously walking for abouta good 30 minutes.

"God I am freaking tired..."

I am pretty sure most of us understood by that annoying voice that it was none other than the one and only Boruto Uzumaki.

*Sigh*  Mama always told me that Lord Seventh used to whine a lot during their missions, but I am pretty sure he didn't whine this much... I wish I could go on missions with Papa and Lord Seventh...

*Internal Screaming*

"Boruto, you are a grown ass boy so you need get up. We need to get going. " I said to him.

As soon as he got up we heard a rustle. We immediately got into our defensive nature. I grabbed one of my shuriken and Boruto and Mitsuki grabbed their kunai knives.

"It's the best if we split up. If the enemy is stronger than us we could go and call for reinforcements." Says Boruto.

"But Sensei told us that group work is better than individual skills"

"I agree with Boruto." Mitsuki joined our conversation.

"Fine, I agree"

We split up and started running.

Someone's Pov

Don't they know that team work is better than splitting up. Stupid kids.

Sarada's Pov

I ran for 5 min and the enemy is already catching up. I threw a shuriken at him.


Seems like he deflected it. I grabbed another shuriken and got in my combat position.

"I only want to talk."

"And what makes you think I believe you, huh" I replied with a smirk

"Huh, not only your looks but your behaviour also matches him" He chuckled "Okay I am coming out of the bushes now"

My eyes widened and the person who came out was...

Don Don Don... Now, who do you think it is 😀 I am pretty sure most of guesses would be correct. I pretty sorry for not updating the story as I am pretty lazy and because of the exams *sighs*  Bye until I see you next time...

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