His voice took out the reality of the threat, replaced it with a dumbfounded reaction, and took all my words out of my mouth just like his threat intended. Don't make me shoot you. The first words Harry said to me were in the form of a threat; not quite surprising at all. Now I knew for sure he wasn't fond of me. His actions were enough, but this reassured me that he definitely doesn't find me charming.

        I wanted to argue with him so he'd keep talking. So he'd satisfy my hunger to make conversation. I'm a female. Of course I want to make conversation. He is just some man trying to get me home and get me off his back. I'm quite annoying, and I must admit that, but I really don't want his voice to disappear for the rest of the trip. However, I knew those were the only words I'll ever hear from him. Nothing else but the usual.



        I slept for another two hours maybe until the sun began to rise. The sensitivity of my eyes newly open from hours of rest caused a sting the second I opened my eyes. I squinted, blinking to rid of the sudden sting. My vision cleared up as I stared out the window, realizing we were at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. The driver's door was closed, Harry missing. 

        My lips curled into a sour frown. I had a bothersome taste in my mouth as I searched the perimeter. The gas station was small, old in fact. If we passed by I'd think it was not in service. When I turned to my left, I found Harry filling up the car's tank.

        He had dark shades on, covering his pale green eyes. His heart-shaped, plump, and pink lips were in the straight line out of the anger he always seemed to have. The piercing on his lip was still visible from my position, the one on his eyebrow following the sculpture of his facial expression. 

        I glanced over at the concession store, immediately feeling hungry from all the snacks that must be in there. He can't really make me go on this trip starving. Or maybe he can. 

        Determined and highly famished, I escaped the confines of the car. The air was thick and hot, my flannel having been abandoned a few hours ago. All that was left was a white, slightly loose tank top with sleeves the width of two fingers. I walked towards the tall, quiet man. 

        I stopped when we were face to face, his body on one side of the car filling up the tank and mine on the other. "Harry?" 

        Again, his attention was diverted to the pump he was using. His face was tilted down, so I knew he wasn't looking at me. This kind of vibe that radiates from him makes me irritated, but I have no other choice but to tolerate it. I could still remember the few words he spoke to me, and the way his voice silenced every single thought bouncing in my skull. 

        "Can I have some money? You know, to get something to eat. I'm really hungry and I --" 

        His large hand slammed against the top of the car, causing my eyes to widen and a gasp to illicit through my throat. My lips parted as I stared up at him, seeing as he was already turning around. I then glanced at the top of the car, seeing a ten dollar bill sitting there. A silence overtook us, my lips pursed as I took the bill from the surface and quietly made my way through the concession store. 

        Immediately, my eyes scanned over the freezers at the back of the store. I ate whatever I wanted and still had a type of fast metabolism. It wasn't every day I feasted on junk, but I'm really in the mood for it now.

        An old man with a grey sleeveless coat and a white t-shirt sat the cashier, flipping through a magazine. He heard the bell that seemed to fill the air with a melody. The old man looked up, and sent me a smile. I only returned the kind gesture, knowing I should get my things and go before Harry bursts in here telling me to hurry. 

Dust Bones [Harry Styles]Where stories live. Discover now