"I assume you hit your head pretty hard based on the gash on the side of your head. And of course the amnesia" I reach up to my head and wince at my touch. I hadn't noticed it. "Amnesia!?" I say confused. "Loss of memories? I'll take you to the prince. Then you can be his problem. "The prince!?" My eyes widen. "I am not properly dressed to see royalty!" I shift in his arms. The thought of meeting such high status made me uncomfortable. "Relax noble. Don't make this harder for me." "Sorry..."  "I assure you he won't care" He says plainly. "How do you know" Irritated. "Are you best friends or something?" "Something like that." He shrugs. "So what is it? You work for him or something?" I pry. I wanted to know. "Can you be quiet. You're asking too many questions. I've had enough of this conversation." "I'm just trying to get to know my savior... or kidnapper." "Yeah, well don't try to get to know me. There is no point." He says as he stares forward as he walks. "Fine then. It's not like you're trying to get to know me either." I roll my eyes. "Let's keep it that way." "I'm sorry to inconvenience you" I say sarcastically. "Is that sarcasm I hear?" He raises an eyebrow at me. "Not at all, mystery man!" I giggle. Surprisingly he chuckles with me. "But in all honesty. Thank you for saving me."  "You're welcome." I gasp. "You have manners!?" I laugh again. He looks down at me and smirks. "I like that." "What?" I ask confused. "Your laugh." He says with a straight face. I blush at this comment. I can feel the heat in my face. "You're so hot and cold. I can't read you?" "Just cold princess." He pauses. "You are lucky. I normally could care less about a noble. I guess I was in the mood to be a hero today"He smiles his perfectly white smile. God his smile gets to me. Makes my heart constrict. "I see you're also cocky." I smile at him. "What's your name?" "Unimportant princess. I'm just the delivery man for the time being." "I would like to know your name, so that my family can reward you for saving me. If I am a noble as you say, we must have money right?"

His smirk quickly moves to a frown. His gaze darts to mine. I do not need, nor want your money noble. He spits those words at me like daggers. A small tug at my heart when his smile leaves his face. I awkwardly respond. "T-that's not what I meant...I-I meant that-"

"Do I look like I need your money?" "No! not at all I just thought-" "Well you thought wrong. Don't assume anything about me." "I-I'm sorry I offended you..." He rolls his eyes at me. I take my gaze away from our conversation. We come into a clearing. A massive field with beautiful snow covered mountains surrounding us. Noticing the many dead bodies around us. I gasp and jump. Unphased he responds. "Don't worry, there isn't anymore around." "W-what!?" My eyes widen.

He says nothing and continues walking. We continue the rest of the way in silence. His face slowly moves from a frown to neutral. I wonder what he's thinking. I glance up at him. Trying not to be obvious. Observing his features. How can someone's face be so perfect? He had such a sharp jawline. Perfectly straight white teeth. His hair was messy, but it somehow worked. I blush at the realization of how close I am to him. I am disgustingly dirty, covered in dirt and blood. I probably smell and I looke a mess. Yet he's also covered in blood and somehow looks flawless.

"Are you done staring?" He takes me out of my thoughts.

I quickly look back down. There was no where I could escape from the embarrassment. He looks at me from the corner of his eye. Smiling lightly.

"You feel it too?" He questions me.

Completely confused by what he means. "Mmm.. What?"

He sighs before looking back up in the direction he's walking. My eyes widen. What does he mean? He laughs at my facial expression and continues on casually. He lightened the mood and somehow freed me from my anxiety.

I begin to give in to my exhaustion. Leaning my head on his chest as my head feels like it's an extra 30 pounds. I feel awkward but my head is just too heavy to hold up any longer. He doesn't seem phased by it. I slowly close my eyes and soon... I fall asleep.

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