Diagon Alley

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Lily's PoV:

There was a knock on the door. I ran over, hoping that it was someone from the school, as I was ready to go. I opened the door. The woman that stood in front of me had pale blond hair that fell to her shoulders. There was a small pale boy standing next to her that looked to be her son.

"Hello, I'm Narcissa Malfoy. Dumbledore sent me. I don't work at the school, but my son, Draco, will be joining you when school starts, and all of the teachers were busy today." the woman told me. She didn't look like a witch.

"Should I bring any money, I can grab my wallet." I said. Narcissa laughed.

"No, all of your purchases will be billed to the school." she said kindly, "But I do ask that you hold my hand so that we can apperate to Diagon Ally." she held out her hand, which I took hesatantly. I saw that her son, Draco, was holding her other hand. It suddenly felt like I was being pulled through a pipe that was too small for my body. Then we were standing in a street, surrounded on both sides by small shops. 

"We'll start at Olivander's," she told us. Narcissa led us to a shop, I was about to ask what we were buying, but when we were ushered inside I saw a boy with untidy black hair with a wand in his hand. A man kept handing him different wands until they found the wand for him. A huge man was with the boy, and when the boy looked at me I realized that he looked a little familar, though I wasn't sure how. Draco was glaring at the boy, so I decided that the boy wasn't someone to be around. The two payed for the wand and left the shop.

"Ah, Narcissa, I remember your wand. Dark oak, eleven inches, unicorn hair," the man, who must be Olivander, said. He started with Draco, measuring him and handing him a few boxes before they found the wand. Then it was my turn. Olivander measured me and looked me up and down before handing me a wand. I carefully took it out of the box. He told me to flick it. I did, the box the stored the wand rose into the air. My eyes widened.

"Hmmm, very rarely do I give the right wand first," he smiled to himself. Narcissa followed him to the counter, where she bought both of the wands. I didn't reconize the names of the coins that she handed him.

  Hours later we were at their house, which was more like a mansion. It was huge, I had never been in a building that was so large. Narcissa told some weird goblin thing to make us butterbeer. She told Draco and I to sit with her at the coffe table. We joined her on the ground. We talked and laughed for hours. I had my first butterbeer and learned so much more about the wizarding world. It was close to dinner when I had to go home. I thanked Narcissa for everything, and she told me that she would be coming to get me in three days for school, and to have everything packed for the year, including the things that we bought today. Then she apperated away. I told my mum that I would be leaving in three days. I went up and packed everything, plus some paints and canvases and many other art supplies. I had also learned about my parents, who had died in the first war. They were both pure-blood and had been friends with the Malfoy's, which is why Narcissa agreed to take me with them today. She had also mentioned that I looked like someone else that she had known in school, but then she had said that that was impossible. I'd asked who, but she just shook her head and changed the subject. Now it's time for me to leave for the station.

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