Little Witch

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Lily's PoV:

"Lil, there's a man here to see you. His name is Dumbledore," my 'mum' called from downstairs. I thought for a moment, I didn't know anyone by that name... maybe he was a social worker? I was about to head downstairs when I heard footsteps coming up the wood stairs. I decided that it would be best if I stayed put in my room. An old man entered with my mother beside him. He had long white hair, with an even longer white beard. I raised my eyebrows.

"Jenny, could you give us a moment alone, please," the man, Dumbledore, said properly.

"Yes, of course, I hope that you find her right for your school." my mother said gleefully as she left. Dumbledore sat in the chair that sat in the corner of my room.

"Now, Lily, I'm sure that you are wondering why I came to see you," he stated. It was almost as if he could read my mind.

"Yes, actually, I am. My mother mentioned something about a school?" I told him. 

"That she did. I'm the headmaster at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"Very funny. Now what school do you actually represent, sir?"

"I told you. Have you ever found that you could do things that no one else can?" he asked me. I thought about this.

"Well, yes, actually. I can move things without touching them, sir," I told him, hoping that he wasn't secretly a social worker. Surely he would deem me crazy for saying such things.

"Ah. Good," he said, handing me a list, "I will send someone from the school who will explain everything to you in a few days, and show you where you can find everything on that list. In the meantime, you may tell your mother that you have been accepted into LeVans school for the arts, and that someone will fetch you in a few days to buy your school supplies."

"Okay..." I said uncertainly. He left my room and the house. I watched from my window as he walked down the street. Then he disappeared. 

"Darling Lily, were you accepted?" my mother asked.

"Yes, mum, I was. Someone from the school will come to fetch me in a few days to buy my school supplies." I told her. My mother hugged me before running out of my room. I sat down at my desk and pulled out a canvas and my water colors. I splattered the paint onto the canvas, wondering if the school had any art classes. Hours later the piece was done. I looked at the piece, it was very abstract for me, but I liked it. It was different, like me.

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