Chapter Four

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On the next day, I was no more at the hospital, because I only fainted under anonymous and undiscovered condition. Just in case, Dr. Cassandra mentioned: "To be sure there's nothing wrong with your health, please come on Sunday around 12:00 o'clock."

So I did. When I went back straight to the hospital again, there was nothing wrong with my health - because of the unknown situation. However, there was something that reminded me of Piper. Why?

"Are you coming, Sophie?" Uncle James called me from the car, ready to go home.

I was standing in front of the hospital door and Uncle James was almost in front of me, in the car waiting for me to come. Even though I was outside the hospital, I could still smell the medicines that were always surrounding inside the hospital. I didn't like it at all. I started walking towards the car, but there was something that bothered me and I felt uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" Uncle James questioned. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, yes." I answered while I stood next to him. I also did not feel like going home. "Uncle, do you mind if I go to the park that is close to our house?" I said as I rubbed my eyes down to my neck with my right hand. "I don't feel going home. I'm sorry."

"Alright, but make sure you don't come back too late, okay?" he looked kinda pious this time, with his brown eyes that pierced mine as if it was a warning.

"See you then, Uncle." I smiled.

Uncle James turned on the car and took his way towards home with Lilias, who was still daydreaming in her fantasy dreams at the back of the car. I waved with my right hand and smiled at them till Uncle James was out of my sign. Afterwards, I slowly put my hand down, then both of my hands in my pockets. And the unreal smile I expressed for no reason.

On my way towards the park, this uncomfortable feeling did not leave. Why do I feel like this? This is unusual for me..
I continued walking upright, and when I crossed the next road, I saw a group of aged boys and girls that were smoking cigarettes and most likely taking drugs, because of their unshapely and unprepossessing faces.

"Oi! You there." one of the boys called me in a high-sounding voice without hesitation. "Wanna come and have some fun?"

I did not paid attention to them at all, so I just continued walking without looking at them.

"Come and have fun with me as well, little mouse." the other boy added.

"Leave her alone bro. You don't need that piece of shit. You have me." and the other girl answered.
For a moment, I felt a bit irritable and timorous of what will happen if I continue ignoring them. Should I run? Should I just continue walking? My head was full of thoughts. Maybe, if I continue walking and ignoring them, they'll leave me alone? I took a last look at them before of thinking to hurry up walking, and what I saw wasn't a pleasant picture. One of the girls was pressing all of her body on the both of the boy's bodies, and the other one was kissing the first boy. So disgusting! Then the girl looked at me so directly into my eyes that made me feel I'm going to vomit at any moment. However, there was a third boy too, but somehow, he looked different from the others. He was just standing and just watching there. But just when I thought that maybe he's the different one, his eyes met mine and he started walking towards me. Oh God..


Sorry for taking so long to publish this chapter. Busy with schoolwork and stuff.. -_-

Next chapter coming soon.. Probably.


I'll also mix some parts of the chapters, soon.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2018 ⏰

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