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"I don't like this," Noelle says from her stance against the dresser as she watches Jax pack. He only has been home for a couple weeks and now he is set to go on a run down in Eureka. It wasn't out of state, at least, but they both knew she knows that SAMCRO isn't being community servants by donating blood.

It's times like these it's blaringly obvious about who Jax was and the life they lead. Surprisingly, Noelle never really gave Jax grief about it. At least, the gun running aspect of it, if anything, Noelle would give him shit for not working a normal 9 to 5 job.

Mostly it was because Noelle didn't know how she felt about the Life itself. Her only complaint was now that she lost her husband for five years, but before then Jax had always been careful. Outside of the cold war with the Mayans, life was peaceful, if not downright boring for what people thought of outlaws.

But as she watches Noah and AJ grow, she has to come to terms that her sons are expected to follow Jax into this world. Her only comfort is that Noah seems intent on going to college. He has a plan that involves leaving Charming.

However, her baby boy, AJ is his father's son. He knows his tribe. She knows that her little precious boy will patch into the club and one day will wear the same kutte as his father. That worries her as she can't imagine her son living with the burdens Jax has to. She doesn't want to think about her sweet baby boy killing and going to jail. Yet it's fate. It's inevitable.

"It's a simple run," Jax replies. "One I've done a thousand times before."

If that is supposed to soothe her it doesn't and Jax can see that as he zips his pack up and tends to his wife. Even though he hates going on runs, he can admit the best part is returning home where he has a worried wife waiting to assure herself that he is fine. The white hot sex makes the short distance away all worth it.

He pulls his wife to him and presses a light kiss to her pouty lips. As he pulls back, he can tell she is trying to fight a smile, "Are you going to tell me what's the matter?"

In the 12 years they've been together, Jax likes to think he knows his wife pretty well. He can read every emotion, sigh, eye roll, face expression and most importantly what she doesn't say. Despite five years of being away, he finds relief that Noelle hasn't changed all that much as her eyes trail to the wedding band on both of their hands.

After all these years, he knows the one thing that Noelle never trusts him on. He knows it should hurt, but he also knows the man he is. He also vividly remembers their last argument before he got sent to prison.

He cups her face and looks into her baby blue eyes shining with insecurity – vulnerability. "Noe, I've never indulged on a run." He tells her truthfully. He isn't going to lie and say that he hasn't been tempted because he has especially in the early days of their relationship. Specifically when she dropped the bombshell of her being pregnant, he really wanted to, but she fucking ruined other women for him. His mind and dick couldn't work on the same page when he knew he had a pregnant Noelle waiting at home for him. But the most distressing part of it he thought when he was younger was that he didn't want to sleep around when he had Noelle. He remembers the first run he came back from after Noah was born and coming home to the sight of a clearly exhausted Noelle and breasts swollen with milk trying to feed their son. He remembers being hit with the realization that this was his family. He had this to come home to, her and his son, and he didn't want to do anything to jeopardize that elation he feels every time he walks through the doors to his family.

He can tell she is skeptical and wants to believe him.

"Why would I want road pussy when I have your pussy?" He questions as a smirk tugs his lips.

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