Chapter 15

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Elena was listening to the music again. After what happened on top of the ship, she felt more unsure than ever. Unlike any other con, Steeljaw was different. Compare to Megatron, who simply wanted Earth just to rule it, because Earth holds an unbreakable bond to Cybertron. But Steeljaw didn't care about that. He likes Earth as it is. When Megatronus intended to destroy both Cybertron and Earth, Steeljaw fought back.

Elena tried to think more about it until she was getting tired. She put music player off and started to rest. Maybe things get clear then.

Just outside the carnival grounds, Bumblebee is playing mechanical bull with Silverhound and contacts Fixit for info on the beastly Decepticon. As Grimlock watches from nearby trees, Bumblebee is tossed and lands on Strongarm and the Dinobot sees his moment to attack. Silverhound promptly throws him before beginning to flee, resulting in Grimlock ending up in the midst of the carnival-going humans. Bumblebee observes the unfolding disaster, however, Strongarm is able to prevent Silverhound from fleeing and also comes up with a cover story for Grimlock, telling the humans that Grimlock's part of a new exhibit.

The next day, Silverhound is safely locked up in a stasis pod, however, Bumblebee announces that Grimlock can no longer go on missions in public as he's too hard to explain away when seen by the public. Grimlock felt bad about it and others could see it. Especially Gaia and Fixit.

Later, Grimlock is smashing barrels when Fixit reports that Quillfire's insignia has been found around Crown City. Though Grimlock's keen to go, Bumblebee's earlier order stands, Bumblebee and Strongarm head out without him. As night falls, Fixit and Gaia find Grimlock sitting dejectedly on a bus and Fixit reveals the list of potential disguises he's made up for Grimlock. Though the Dinobot isn't enthusiastic about the first few, the last catches his attention.

Bumblebee and Strongarm find Quillfire raiding an auto parts store. Bumblebee heads around the block to hem the Decepticon in, but when Strongarm tries a direct approach, Quillfire reveals the Mini-Cons Back and Forth, whose magnetic powers let them form a barricade between them and Strongarm. Unfortunately, Bumblebee is stuck in traffic, and Strongarm is soon buried under garbage skips. Quillfire and his Mini-Cons start leaving with their plunder, knocking Bumblebee out of the way as they go, and a chase ensues. Back uses his magnetic powers to fling street signage at the Autobots, and Quillfire jettisons most of his load, along with the Mini-Cons, in an attempt to stop them before finally taking both of them out with his quills. When Bumblebee and Strongarm bot hit by quills they made an instant stop, in which Young and Aqua got hit hard and knocked out, because safety pillows didn't activate. Quillfire was about to move in and finish them off when the police arrive and he decides to flee rather than risk capture, letting slip about the "island" where his new associates are based.

Elena gasped when she wakes up. She didn't have a nightmare. No, it felt different. Star Connection. Yes, that has to be it. She some someone or more like someone's in driver's seat in different vehicles after Quillfire. But the only possible option would be Bumblebee and Strongarm. Grimlock doesn't have vehicle mode. But that means, what she saw were Aqua and Young. They were after Quillfire until he... shot his quills at them. Then something hit girls hard. A sudden stop, without an airbag. They got hurt. The last thing there was seen or heard was sirens. Oh no... Aqua and Young must have got themselves hurt. All because of That... that....crazy revolutionist. She should have known that crazy porcupine will mean no good, but this has crossed the line.

She got up and started to walk out of the room to the hallway. The first con she encountered was luckily Clampdown.

"Wow wow wow wow wow! Hold up! where you think you're going?" he said while tried to stop her. He knows if something happens to her, blames go on him.

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