Chapter 5

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Elena started to wake up. She first tried to get her eyes to see well. After that, she tried to remember what happened. Bee and others went to check Decepticon signal, but then they lost communication in the base. She went check what it was and then she got stung by nano-drone. Then she started to faint and she did hear someone coming and speak to her before she fainted


She should know any better. He came to get others out. But that didn't answer where she is now. She obviously wasn't in her room. In fact, she had very bad feeling that she wasn't in Scrapyard at all.

She tried to get up, but that's when she noticed something was different. She realized she was in her robot form, but it was different. That's when she remembers what she talked with Silver. This must be her new upgrade, her new look. But that then meant she was now bigger than before. And it made sense because she found herself on someone's berth. She tried to look around the room, finding only the obvious one. Besides the berth, there's locker and two doors. One must lead to the personal washroom, while other to the outside.

Wait a sec. Outside to where? She was sure she got captured, but she never knew where cons would get this much of chances to have own quarters and all. Unless...

Now that she looked closely the room did look familiar. But she needed to be sure. She needed to go see what was outside. If these quarters is just for one con, that means there's also more for who knows how many on wherever this place is.

Elena got up from the berth and walked to the first door, which turns out to be leading to long hallway. Okay, also too familiar. She looked around to see if someone was near. The last thing she needed was to get caught and set the alarm. So far nothing. She walked first calmly so she could hear if someone is coming near. Once she heard that way was clear she moved quickly forward. And if she heard someone coming she hide and waited before they had walked away. While she kept going she noticed that all the hallway looked too familiar. Is this a Starship? Right, then she remembered what she and Team Bee learned recently. That there was unknown Decepticon who wasn't in Alchemor and he collected material that was used in Starships. Then that means this is the Starship. But when did land here?

Elena didn't get a chance to think more questions when she heard someone coming hide out of sight, so 'cons won't see her. By their voices, she managed to recognize who they were.

"I knew he was infatuated in 'er," said Thunderhoof. "He had that look on that gal from the beginning."

"Well, she is quite hot now," said Clampdown.

"yea, yea. But she is still a pain in the aft," said Thunderhoof. "Steeljaw may handle that kinda gal, but I like the chicks who are calm and easy to handle."

"I still think is risky," said Clampdown. "She is still Star Supreme. You know what people say about that."

"Yea yea. She is out of reach. No ones to touch. blah, blah blah..." said Thunderhoof. "Should have remained in that small look of 'ers. Did ya even see how many were drooling by seeing 'er?"

"I saw most of them stare, but I think there was more like 'I want to kill' stare."

"Well, you should know better, blabber-mouth." saidThunderhoof.

They still kept talking when they passed Elena. Once she knew they were far enough she leaves her hiding place and tried to get going. But right when she tried to take up the speed she stumbles into Overload. In this, she yelps in which Thunderhoof and Clampdown turned around and saw what was going on.

"EYOO! Where did she come from?" said Thunderhoof.

"Let go of me!" yelled Elena, since Overload took hold of her arm.

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