p l e a s

12 1 0

my hands were trembling,
my breath was shaky,
I'm not okay,
So I plead for help.

I'm afraid of this depression,
I'm scared of being alone.
need you to accompany me,
so please, stay .

I feel so stuffed,
so I write to calm myself down.
if only someone noticed me,
Save me ! Save me !

don't leave me alone,
I'm begging you in silence,
screaming inside,
Imma 'bout to lose myself again.

insecure, depressed, fear .
slowly killing me, inside.
can't get a grip of myself,
please reach out for me,
someone please keep me  s a n e .

05th July 18
13 08


I'm supposed to be at school but I'm not for some sort of reason. Depression starts to develop inside me these days. I'm scared. Truly scared. I'm trying reaching for help as I could but I'm still crying till now. I felt worthless. I'm sorry.

A Blue Moon's Night PoetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora