a n s w e r s

31 3 0

Sometimes I ask myself,
Am I a burden ?
Or just naturally annoying ?

Sometimes I ask myself again,
Am I wrong ?
Why it felt like I'm always wrong ?

But there're no answers to all my Questions,
Questions that left hanging in the air,
Seeking for an answer.


Hey guys ! It's been quite a long time . Sprry for not updating much and for the upcoming would be slow as well. My drafts of poems in my old phone were vanished . Some of them pretty much good and I wrote my diary there but it's gone too . Sadly enough . So I can only update with draft that I saved here . Well that's explained the date written there . So I'll try to make more new poems so I can actually update regularly . Please give this book lotsa votes !

XoxYun ♡

A Blue Moon's Night PoetOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz