The shack of family

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The Cipher-Pines are currently all packed in the family limo with mom and father up front flirting. The kids were having a blast playing with windows, snacks, TV, hot tub, and music. They only use the limo to go to important places and Dipper says family is important even if its only a few miles away. They would get Stares and pictures taken especially since Bill keeps winking at every girl ,But Dipper keeps glaring at him making him chuckle as he drives to the mystery shack.

"Okay we are here!"Dipper said slidding down the window to look at here children.

"What's so great about this place anyway its old and tacky!" Bonnie said making her siblings grunt in agreement.

"How old are great uncle Stan and Ford anyway?"Blake asked curious

"Age isn't a number to kid Stan and nerdy Ford." Bill said making Dipper smile "But they are what? 90 something pretty old though?" 

"Bill, Mabel will be there and ,so are Wendy and Soos who are like family ever since my first stay here."Dipper said as they stopped at the mystery shack owned by Soos.

​​​​​​"Okay have fun!" Bill said gleefully then grabbed Bailey  "Sorry i don't think i can trust them with a baby." Bailey blew a raspberry while Dipper nods in agreement as the rest of the kids pilled out.

"Okay now what?" Braden asked and on que the door opened revealing two elderly men one in boxers and the other in a trench coat.

"Dipper it's been forever! Give your a grunkle a hug!" Stan yelled giving Dipper a hug then broke it "Look how tall you've gotten! Still got a crush on Wendy?" Stan asked making Dipper blush as Bill and the kids snicker.

"Stan Dipper she is married to a MAN she has kids remember?" Ford asked patting Stan on the shoulders.

"Oh yeah! How many do you had 2? 3?" Stan asked then looks at all of them "Sweet belgian waffles!" Bailey giggles at him and grabs his nose "Your still popping out kids?"

"What can I say whenever Bill's around I over do things!" Dipper said the got out a short list "Okay I think know who should ho with who! Braden and Brooke you two will be with Grunkle Stan!" The two didn't look happy but followed Stan inside nonetheless "Okay Blaine and Brian your with Grunkler Ford!" The two simply walked inside with Ford as well.

"DIPPER!"Mabel yelled crashing herself into Her twin from out of nowhere "I've missed you Dippingsauce! Twin power am i right! Hey what's that!?" Mabel said taking Dippers list out of her hands much to her protest "Hey Wendy! Soos! We each get on own little buddies today!" Mabel pushes the list back into Dippers chest "Bell! Brett! your with me!" She took them by the arms and tugged them inside just as Wendy and Soos come out.

"Hey pull any harder and my arm will come off!" Chuckled Brett. Mabel laughed too ,but not Bell.

"Can that really happen!?" Bell asked totally serious and scared as they reached inside.

"Sup dudes! Welcome to a place of wonder and magic!" Soss said looking old with baldness and growing bags under eyes but still looked like a manchild with his mystery shirt and buck teeth.

"And a place of torture. Hey I'm wendy" Wendy said,she still looks cool ,but has no hat and hair is now shoulder length, wears a black shirt and blue jeans and muddy boots along with a green shirt tied around her waist and as a bandana.

"Okay for the record I don't have a crush on you!" Dipper said then loops an arm around Bill "I'm with Bill!" 

"Hey that's cool man what you like is your business and I'm down with that." Wendy said cooly shaking hand "So which ones are with me?"

In the Cipher house (Published on July 5)Where stories live. Discover now