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*3 months later*

I had woke up from a terrible nightmare. I sighed and got up from bed.

So things have changed a bit around here. Mom and dad don't come a lot to the house. This kind of only my house now. Dad lives with Sophie. And mom and Richard are living together because mom is...pregnant.

They only come to give me money and bring me food and stuff. They took all of their stuff to their new homes. Oh and I forgot Sophie is also pregnant. It's a boy.

Yeah when we moved here Sophie was pregnant. So now she needs 3 more months.

I had parties and people over all the time.

I had slept in this:

I put my checker 'Vans' on and got out of the house

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I put my checker 'Vans' on and got out of the house.

I walked across the street. I opened the door and got in.

Y/N: morning family!
Everyone: morning
Fiona: Y/N, your not ready?
Y/N: my outfit is here
Fiona: come on! Get ready!

I rolled my eyes and huffed. I ran upstairs. While walking to Debbie's room I walked past Carl's room. He was currently changing. He was shirtless. My eyes went wide and I ran to Debbie's room.

I quickly changed into this:

I quickly changed into this:

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[and a messy bun]

I walked downstairs and sat down on Carl's chair. He hated when I did that.

Carl: Y/N!
Y/N: Carl!
Carl: I fucking hate you.
Y/N: awww I hate you too.

He rolled his eyes and I just laughed.
I grabbed his smoothie from his hands and took a sip. He sighed and took it from me and started drinking it.

Y/N: Debs did you do the homework?
Debbie: yes, why?
Y/N: I need you to help me with one
Debbie: fine

Liam passed by.

Fiona: Liam, shoes

Debbie: is Finn picking us up?
Y/N: yeah he is
Carl: So 4 months dating, you must really like him
Y/N: who said I liked him? I love him. Check this out Deb *shows hand*
Debbie: Oh my god! He bought you a ring?!
Y/N: he wears one too, it's a promise ring. Isn't it cute?
Carl: *rolls eyes* *walks to Fiona*
Fiona: *pats his shoulder* you'll get your chance
Carl: fuck off

I checked my phone and started texting Finn.

Y/N: Hey, Carl? You wanna a ride?
Carl: no thanks I'm fine *sounding rude* *starts walking out the door and gets out of the house*
Y/N:....uhm....okay? What's with grumpy guy?
Debbie: probably not in the mood
Y/N: oh Finn is outside waiting
Debbie: Bye Fiona!
Y/N: Bye Fiona!
Fiona: bye! Don't come home late
Y/N: Jesus Fiona! One time thing!
Fiona: I know you well Y/N! Your a girl version of Carl!
Y/N: Oh god!

We both laughed and Debs and I got up and left the house.

I ran to Finn's car and got in.

Y/N: hey baby! *kisses him quick*
Finn: hey! Hey Debs!
Debbie: Hi Finn *getting in car*
Y/N: okay lets go it's going to get late
Finn: okay

•Trouble• Carl Gallagher💓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora