Father is coming home!

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Dipper is Female so she can give birth to all the kids ,but if you have a problem just pretend dipper is a boy. The house is the photo but bigger and more room like a mansion buts it is more bedroom than anything you know :-P 
The house has Five bedrooms and a master bedroom, two bathrooms one in master bedroom, a basement, an attic, a big living room, a kitchen, a big dining room for all the family members, a kitchen, a porch, a playroom space and big yard since they live in the country. Dipper is currently in a cleaning frenzy she really wants everything to be perfect for her husbands arrival from a business trip since he owns a company he made called cipher real estate ,so they get money but eleven kids takes a chunk out of it.

"Oh Brian dear please don't solve for 'x' on the wall!" Dipper said taking Brian's markers "Use a pencil and paper instead please I'm begging you." Brian shrugged and walked away ,so Dipper could wash the wall.

"Poo-poo!" A diaper-less Bailey said waddling near Dipper a foul stench in the air making Dipper scrunch up her nose.

"Oh dear where's your diaper!" Picking the baby up into her arms Dipper takes her to her room where she steps in something "Oh there it is." She said disgust wiping her shoe off and wiping the baby down into a new diaper "There good as new! Aren't you! Aren't you!" She cooed making Bailey giggle and laugh at the touch.

"Parental unit might I ask why you are sanitizing our dwelling's surface area?" Brian asked making Dipper look down to see him mixing chemicals.

"You know you look so much like your Great-Grunkle Ford besides the grey hair and wrinkles." She ruffles his already messy hair "I'll tell you later after we pick up your brothers and sisters!" Dipper who is now holding both Bailey and Brian head out to one of the cars were she buckles them in much to Brian's chagrin "Hey when you 8 you don't have to be in these!"

"The tires could still blow off" he said stoically making His mom frown ,but she signs and goes straight to driving.

"Hey now Brooke will drive the other car ,so she definitely won't puke on anyone this time!" She got no response so they just kept quiet for the ride to gravity falls elementary school.

"Hey mom!" The twins Boston and Bonnie said together with their sister Babs and brother Blaine behind them.

"Hey kids i got a surprise to tell you !" Dipper said excitably as they enter the car confused "Hold on I got you!" She said buckling the twins into the car seats "Don't want my babies getting hurt!" She said in a baby voice squishing their cheeks "Now Brooke is taking the other car to pick up Bell, Blake, Brett and Braden! So when we get home I'll need you all to be on your best behavior! And no making messes! I'm looking at you Boston!" She did the 'I'm watching you' signal making the boy sulk and the girl twin laugh at him.

"What's so important that I can't roll around in the mud!?" Boston asked miffed. The others start mumbling comments about his filth.

"When were all home I can tell you~" Dipper sang making them groan  "So were going to wear the tuxes and fancy dresses!" They all groan again louder "Hey now the others have to.Hold on." Takes out phone "Hey Brooke put the phone on speakerphone please." Brooke does that "Kids you all have to wear fancy clothes like tuxes and Dresses today! And be on best behavior" Dipper hears her other kids groan "I'll tell you the details when were home." Dipper hangs up.

​​When the children got home their mother immediately made them change into fancy clothes but since its a Friday night many of the Kids wanted to go out and/or have fun. Blake, Brett, Braden, Blaine, Boston and Brian all have simple White tuxedos while Brooke has a light blue dress, Bell a light green dress, Babs a black dress, Bonnie a bright pink dress, Bailey has a lavender dress but you can still see her diaper, and Dipper has a light pink dress and her boyish hair has a matching bandana bow along with some makeup.

In the Cipher house (Published on July 5)Where stories live. Discover now