Siblings Are A Pain

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Harry awoke for the second time that day completely different than the first. This time his head wasn't fuzzy nor did panic immediately seize him. The feel of arms still wrapped tightly around his small frame was both comforting and reassuring. He could feel himself teetering on the edge of how to feel. Nevertheless, he is fully content and restful all the while the underlying panic of being in Malfoy manor is still everpresent. Confident that he hasn't been moved he allowed himself a few minutes to fully wake up before actually opening his eyes. After a few minutes of gentle swaying and fierce turmoil about whether to truly get up Harry can hear the door creak open along with some shuffling on the other side of the desk.

"They both went to sleep in here, father?" the soft, disbelieving voice of Lucius Malfoy cut through the ear like a hot knife through butter.

"Indeed. My grandchild felt it necessary to bring our new edition into my study seeing how no one summoned me." There was an audible gulp directly behind the lethargic Little as he still struggled to open his eyes and really see what is going on.

"We didn't want to disturb you from your work. A lot has to be in order for Harrison to be ready for school in just a few days." Lucius tries to justify himself. After being dismissed by Draco he went to read up on characteristic of abused Littles only for an elf to pop into his personal library to inform him of breakfast starting signaling with the location of his two sons.

"No matter how busy I appear to be I will always have time for these two," Tom reaches down and nuzzles Harry's neck pulling a small giggle from the boy. "Is my little prince awake?"

Finally gathering the energy to open his eyes Harry finds that he indeed is securely in him grandpa's arms with Mr. Malfoy sitting across from them in a chair he isn't certain was always there. Draco was snoring away by the still active fire, curled into the fetal position in one the overstuffed chairs.

Looking back towards Mr. Malfoy after he's done assessing the room he's startled to find a pleased smile on this face. Nerve had he seen the older blonde smile before or have any emotion directed towards himself that wasn't anger, greed or disappointment.

"Hello Harry. How are you feeling."

"Better, I suppose." Tom repositions the lad so that he is sitting up more, but still leaning against his chest. With the new position Harry could feel a new, dry diaper wrapped securely around his hips reminding him of his earlier shame.

"That's excellent. You gave up all quiet a fright when you hid." Harry scowls at this. He wouldn't have hid if he hadn't been taken from his relatives. Although he didn't miss them it was still scary to be in a house filled with all the people who made his school life almost as bad as his home life.

"Didn't want to be around you," is the pouted reply, but the Lots of the house only smiles.

"No I suppose not. You much rather your grandpa Tom." Before the boy could this of a snappy reply a sudden popping sound has him squeak in fright and hide his face away in his grandpa's shirt willing the embarrassing tear that has sprung away.

"Breakfast is being served now, Masters," a small creature Harry recognizes as a house elf states before vanishing as quick as it came.

"It's okay, baby. It was only a house elf." Tom tries to soothe only to have his hands smacked away and a wiggling Harry.

"Let go. I'm not a baby." Placing the boy gentle on the floor the men are rewarded with a harsh glare, but coming from Harry is seems more like an angry kitten.

"Why don't you wake your brother and we can all go down from breakfast." Lucius intervenes, not wanting an argument to breakout or upset the newest member of their family.

"Brother?" a confused whisper emits from the boy.

Instead of answer Lucius stands and faces the child in the direction of the still dozing Draco, ignoring the not so suddle flinch from the boy. Giving a slight push when the boys still didn't move Harry carefully makes his way over to the blonde. Once fully in front of the boy Harry realises how silly he is being. Although Draco did make his school life a lot harder he nerve attacked without his goons at his sides. Deciding to get a bit of pay back while he was here the black-haired child roughly grabs onto an arm and processes to violently shake the limb.

A shill screech brakes out of both boys as Draco is violently ripped away from the dream world while Harry is scooped up from behind. Tom, having gotten to the pair first, tries to soothe Harry at the same time reprimand his behavior towards his brother.

"I know little one, but that wasn't nice nor appropriate."

"He started it!" Harry exclaims, wiggling about to get out of the man's hold. "Draco was a big meany in school and I 'serve revenge," the boy's lisp making itself known in his upset state.

"Draco may owe you an apology for his past actions, but that does not give you permission to behave in such a manor."

His new grandpa's tones coupled with all the other confusing thoughts running around Harry's head urging him to trust those around him is just too much for the boys to handle.

Harry starts sobbing.

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