Double Trouble

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Fred and George Weasley were not having a good day. It started off with Ron ruining one of their pranks causing it to explode and getting them in trouble with mum. After a thorough spooning and 20 minutes in the corner for something they didn't do, you can bet a sickle their mood wasn't the best. Next Ginny decided to take their expansive wizarding paint that changes color and took months to save up for, and painted her bedroom using every last drop. They got in trouble again for owning it without their mother's permission and placing the cans in a place where Ginny could reach. They apparently had placed her in danger even though they tried to explain how it was hidden in the back of their closet in their bedroom and that Ginny should know better than to take something that didn't belong to her. Molly didn't listen to them.
After yet another lecture and time in the corner, they were completely fed up with their younger siblings. Now they had to go to Diagon Alley to pick up last minute school supplies with them as their parents didn't have the funds until recently. It's embarrassing enough to have to stay close to your parents while your younger siblings have free range of any place they go, but to be publicly yelled at by said younger sibling after waving at a Slytherin they knew from their year had to be the icing on the cake for worse day ever.
That would all be true, of course, until they saw a familiar face from across the way. It didn't matter that he didn't have his signature green eyes or lightning bolt scar. It didn't matter that he looked nothing like the boy they knew him to be. The twins would know their little brother anywhere. Quickly walking after the family he was with, they followed them inside a small, empty book store near the end of the alley, closer to Knockturn.
"Hi Harry."
"How was--"
"Your summer--"
"Holiday." The twins take turn saying their sentence.
"How do you recognize him?" Bella demanded suspiciously. They were still Weasleys, the lightest family in all of Great Britain and thusly a threat to her family. She couldn't be blamed for her suspicion and wariness. "He looks nothing like his old self, what kind of tracker does your family have on him?"
"No tracker, ma'am," Fred started only for George to continue.
"We'd know our little brother anywhere."
"Hi, Gred and Forge." Harry finally popped his head out of his hiding spot after being calmed down by his dada and grandpa.
"Hi." The twins smiled and waved at the same time.
"If you don't mind me asking," Lucius interjected after giving Draco permission to look around while they talked with the twins. "What was the issue with the youngest male Weasley?"
"Little Ronnie-kins--"
"is very closed--"
"Minded to all--"
"Slytherins. It seems--"
"that our friend--"
"doesn't meet his standards." The twins switched back and forth while explaining, making sure to make eye contact with each of the adults.
"So, he was upset only because you addressed one the Slytherins." Severus didn't have a hard time believing the statement. Ronald Weasley, along with his younger sister, was known to terrorize not only the slytherins but also a few of the other houses' members. Judging by Harry's fear from his yelling it could be safe to say that the torment didn't end with other houses (or maybe Harry's just a special case).
"That's right, Professor." He can't help the shock that courses through him, most likely showing up on his face. He observed the two in front of him to detect if they would lie.
"How do you know that it's me? Not even Dumbledore can see through my glamors and I've worked with him before you two were born."
"It's not that hard to deduce," George started.
"Who else would help our Little Harry--"
"while he's locked in that god awful tower?"
"Hmm.... The two of you were aware of the torture he's been subjected to?" Tom couldn't help but accuse, his eyes momentarily turning blood red. Fred and George flinched, hundling against each other while quickly explaining themselves.
"We were going to tell someone--"
"we swear! There was just no one to tell." Fred seems to start hyperventilating while George has tears in his eyes.
"Mum would only tell Dumbledore and he would go off--"
" and state how we're overreacting to the bullying--"
"And Harry has some type of protection at his relatives house."
"We're sorry!" They exclaim at the same time causing all members of the Potter-Snape-Malfoy family to stare at the two. Both Lucius and Severus thought it strange that boys as old as the twins were frightened by Tom raising his voice. Severus shared a look with Lucius as Harry slipped deeper into headspace at the loud voices. It was Narcissa that came to the rescue of the twins. She knelt in front of them, a hand on one shoulder a piece and kept her voice low and soothing.
"It must have been very hard to watch a loved one suffer in such a way."

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