Puppet Strings

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There was a certain melancholic feeling about waking up in a cool hospital room, facing the artificial lighting of the ceiling of the room. With the muggled mess of thoughts blaring on within your head and the breathless whisper of uncertainty, it could be moments like this where almost sad. You blew out a low breath, turning your gaze in the direction of the TV sitting in the corner of the room. When you came to earlier, the nurses asked if you'd like to watch the television to distract you from the haunting images of your actions.

The truth of the matter was, you were the reason Ladybug disappeared.

You tried to force yourself up to a sitting position, tugging away the sheets of the creaky hospital bed. The monitors beeped helplessly behind you as IVs and heart monitor tugging at the skin of your forearms. 

Without Ladybug around, things weren't exactly back to normal. Those poor soles trapped within the bracelet you wore before, still stayed lost to the world. Citizens, your mother, your father, Ladybug.

"I see you're awake, (Y/N)," you turned your attention in the direction of the tall man who stood in the doorway. You recognized him almost immediately, his silver hair and sharp blue gaze sent chills down your back. Gabriel Agreste. 

"I am," your voice croaked absently, turning your head away from the male. It seemed with the disappearance of everyone else in your life, his sons disappeared, too. Where they in the long list of victims you took? You didn't think you were capable of doing such a thing.

Then again, you did.

Gabriel hummed lightly in response, stepping further into the room like a force in and of itself. "I came to talk to you about the circumstances you've found yourself in," he stated coolly, resting a large hand on the footboard of your bed, "seeing as you really have no home to go back to until we find a way to return Paris to the state it was before, with Ladybug's help, I'd like to offer you a hand of assistance."

You slowly looked over in his direction again, watching him warily. "An offer?"

"I really see no point in hiding it," he smiled stiffly, shifting closer, "seeing as you really have to one to tell now that you're an outcast and a freak among your peers." You tensed at the statement, feeling your stomach coil in sickness. "It's sad. A star performer turned into a killer at the drop of a hat."

"What do you want from me?"

"I'm simply here to propose an agreement," something in his cold eyes sparked, "in exchange for your parents and respect back of course."

A lump formed in your throat.

"It's simple," he hummed, "be my puppet and the world will be yours."

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