Chapter 26

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"A Lennox? What's that?"
I asked myself

While we were following this Lennox I leaned over to Mindy and said

"Do you think knows about Miles?"

"Maybe" she replied

I speed up to be level with him and asked him if he knew anything about Miles.

"Yes we know about his kind... there from another planet, and they came to earth to destruct your town, but we in prisoned them, but Miles got out and he's been trying to destroy your town but he can't alone, so he's been trying to get you humans to turn into a Fiiy like him and so far it's been working."

"Is there a way to get him to stop?"

"Yes, you need to close off the opening into our world, but you can only do it if you can get him to turn back to the creature he was before."

"And how do we do that!?"

"You have to get him to say...that he loves you...for real"

I looked back at Mindy in fear and confusion, she grabbed my hand and pulled me back, and she held me in her arms to comfort me.

"Were here! This is our town" said the Lennox,

it was a beautiful town, there were flowers and trees next to every little cottage,there were creatures just like the Lennox who lived here.

"This is we're we keep all the Fiiy species, that have tried to invade our town"

He pointed at a castle like building, and then we walked in; the further we walked in the scarier they looked.

"Do you know were Miles is now?"

"He's gone to a different town, but he always comes back here to try to make us like him, it never works but, he always gets you can stay here for the meantime until he does come back"

He pointed to a room with two beds and two dressers.

"Once you get settled we can have dinner"

He shut the door behind him and walked away.
Mindy and I got ready while he was gone and when he came back we went down to dinner in beautiful green gowns, like everyone else did.
The whole town was at this ginormous table, but everyone was happy with it, no one was not smiling. It was strange, did they not feel emotion?
We sat down and started to eat, they food was amazing, so amazing it made you tired, and when you finished you went up to your room and slept... that's just how it went.

I suddenly heard

"Emily, wake up, it's me"

I slowly opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was...Miles...and I couldn't unsee it, slowly I asked

"What do you want?"

"Nothing I just want to make sure your doing fine"

"No your not"

I sat up and starred him down

"Why are you here in the middle of the night!!??"

"Shhhh you'll wake the others"

"I don't care!!"

Then I remembered that the only way to close the opening was to get him to actually love me. I have to get him to actually love me. How am I supposed to do that!
Wow guys this story is getting long! Chapter 26 already!? Hope you all are liking it please vote comment or follow!! Stay tuned!

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