Chapter 15

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After he said that I almost lost it
"Wait are you serious?"
I had so many questions at this point I just didn't know how to ask them
"Yeah she's still out there" he repeated
"Ok so why didn't she kill you!?" I said with a shaky voice
"Because she loved me"
He kept shaking his head knowing this was all wrong that it made no sense but it was true
"I was the reason she even became a serial killer!!" He yelled as he stood feeling like it was all his fault, I came up to hug him
"It wasn't your fault" I told him
"Yes it is!" He pushed me away and held my shoulders
"If wasn't for me she wouldn't have to feel... like she has to do this!" He was trying to figure this out
"She's trying to protect me from the outside world!" He said
"I got it!"
"What?" I was confused
"She's killing you all off one by one and Destiny was her first stop! Your her next!!" He yelled
"What!?" I was horrified
"Wait so your saying your brothers aren't involved at all in this!!"
"Oh no there involved for sure!!"
"But wait, why!?"
"My brothers hate me! And she wants to protect me!"
"What! No!?"
"It makes perfect logical senses,
doesn't it!?"
"Um, ok, so, not really!! Why doesn't she...but wait... I'm so confused!!!"
"It's ok" he said
"Just follow me."
I held his hand as we walked into the forest behind his house, I was scared but I trusted him enough to go with him.
"Miles we're are we going?"
I said pushing branches out of my way, then he pushed open a door and we walked in
"What is this place!?" I said taking a look at the small room, after a small pause I saw him wipe his hand across the wall then he replied
"It was my home..." He said still looking at the wall
"Wait you lived here?" I said as I came closer to him
he looked into my eyes and I looked into his, he wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me closer, as I did the same to him, when the moon light was shining on us through the window all was right and he kissed me.
Yayy!! Finally I have been waiting for this! And by the way sorry this chapter was extra short🙃
Any who hope your liking it, if you are please please please vote, comment or follow! Thanks guys!! Stay tuned!😋

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