"I'm fine, thank you for the concern." I gulped.

"Are you sure sweetheart? This is your chance to live a normal life, the life your parents had wanted for you." He wasn't asking me as the director, he was asking me as the best friend to my parents, and as the man who raised me after they were gone.

"I'm sure. I'm fine." And that was it. I sealed my fate.

"Alright. I expect to see you in the coming days." And with that he hung up.

"Who was that?" Tristan's gazed narrowed in on the phone.

"I had to call the director and let him know I was alive. I have to make some other calls so if you want you can shower and get something to eat." It was my polite way of saying I needed a few minutes of privacy. 

"I'll wait outside the door." He said and got up. Well I guess that's the best offer I would get from him.

I called the girls and made it quite obvious they were on thin ice. They had screwed up. And that screw up had partially been the reason why Tristan and I had been kidnapped and why Tristan's life was threatened. They were aware that one more screw up, no matter how small, would be their last.

After that I only had one more call to make. I dialed the number I knew by heart and waited for them to pick up. I knew it would be a long shot at this hour, it was the middle of the night for them.

"Hello?" A voice whispered, and I heard shuffling.

"Soph, it's time."

"Are you sure? I mean you can just stay and be happy." I got up from the desk and walked near the door, making sure to keep out of sight. I could see Tristan through the small crack. He was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, glaring at the floor. Even when he was overprotective and angry, I was still in love with him. And that's why I couldn't stay. He deserves so much better than me. If I love him, truly love him, I'll let him go.

"Expect me soon. Sorry I woke you."

"It's gonna be alright Em." The concern and heartbreak held in her voice made it hard to swallow.

"Goodnight." I hung up before more feelings could bubble to the surface.

I set the phone back on the desk and opened the door. His gaze lifted to meet mine.

"So." I said.

"So." He replied.

"Now what?" I asked.

"My family wants to see you." He offered up. Although it was very obvious he wasn't quite ready to share me again. He looked grumpy about the suggestion and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Something I noted he only did when he was uncomfortable or grouchy.

"Come on, you can share for a few hours." I laughed and pulled him down to the garage. He insisted on driving, even after I argued that it was my car. We pulled up to his parents house. He got out and opened my door. He gripped my hand tightly, leading me up to the door.

"Who knows when we'll get to leave." He grumbled and opened the door.

I was ripped from Tristan's grasp immediately, which made me snarl, and was pulled into a tight hug by Stacey, and before I could pull away we were joined by his mother, followed by his father, and eventually Jace. It turned into one giant group hug. The only one not joining in was Tristan, who stood in the corner brooding. Either at the fact that I made him leave the house which he thought opened me up to threats, or the fact that he now had to share me. Either way he looked cute all mopey and annoyed.

When everyone finally pulled away, Tristan was right there, arm around me, pulling me to the living room with everyone following.

"We missed you dear." His mother said and I smiled at her warmly.

I'm An Assassin, Not Your Mate. (UNFINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now