"Hello Rebecca." Carina smiled.

"Oh, Carina!" Rebecca paused before she left the Three Broomsticks with her friends, "I forgot to return that book I borrowed from you – I'll drop by your common room to return it, yeah?"

"That'll be nice, thanks Rebecca!" Carina said.

"Thank you so much Carina – it was a huge help with my Astronomy classes." Rebecca said, "Bye!"

Once Rebecca Barnes was gone, Roman regained his ability to speak. The two showed Roman to their seats and Theodore ordered them some Butterbeer. Roman stared at Carina.

"What?" Carina asked.

"You know Rebecca Barnes?" Roman asked.

"Of course I do!" Carina said, "She asked me for help on her Astronomy – since I got the highest in that class."

"It's only natural, really." Theodore placed their Butterbeers on the table, "You're named after a constellation – I'd be damned if you don't even know one star in the bloody sky."

Carina was about to take a sip from her Butterbeer but stopped for a moment and narrowed her eyes at Theodore. Theodore rolled his eyes.

"It's clean." Theodore said.

Carina nodded.

"What about Draco?" Roman smirked, "He's named after the constellation of Draco – why's he failing Astronomy?"

"Because he's a bloody idiot?" Theodore guessed.

"He would pass if he would get his head out of his arse." Carina muttered as she finally took a swig from her Butterbeer, but upon drinking, she spewed her drink at Roman.

"Seriously, Black?" Roman groaned in disgust.

Carina glared at Theodore who was played innocent at his chair, but couldn't suppress his smile. Theodore raised a brow at Carina. He was found out.

"I did say it was clean." Theodore shrugged.


The Hall buzzed with tales of Hogsmeade. Students swapped stories, sample sweets, and soap bubbles of all shapes, sizes and color into the air. The four Gryffindors sat at the Gryffindor table with their sweets and souvenirs on the table.

Harry was helping himself at the sweets that Carina bought him from Honeydukes while he listened to Hermione tell about Hogsmeade.

"And the post office! It's about two hundred owls, all sitting on color coded shelves, depending on how fast you want you letter to go!" Hermione said.

"And Honeyduke's is brilliant! Sugar Quills, Flaming Whizbees..." Ron listed the candies, "and blood-flavored lollpops for Halloween."

Carina shuddred upon hearing about the blood-flavored lollipops, she wasn't a fan of drinking blood or licking it from an seemingly innocent sweets.

"No, don't." Carina said.

"Scared, Carina?" Ron teased, "I even bought one just for you."


Ron, Harry and Hermione laughed at Carina's reaction on the blood-flavored lollypop. But the laughter died down when Harry then picked a quietly through the spray of colored sweets on the table. Hermione and Carina noticed.

"It went boring after." Hermione said.

"Yeah... quite depressing." Ron played along.

"It wasn't that fun, Harry." Carina offered him small smile.

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