Never Have I Ever

Start from the beginning

"Wendy... I lo-" Vincent began.

"Vincent, Luke wants you to help him set up another table he found in the basement," Maddy calls.

"What about Logan?" Vincent asks, seeming irritated by being cut off.

"He's busy braiding hair," Maddy replies with less volume, taken back by Vincent's tone.

"I'll be back," he grins with pursed lips, releasing me from his hold.

I wonder if he was going to say anything important.

Maddy strolls over to me and perks up again as Vincent disappears from sight.

"Wow, you guys are so cute. Have you guys been dating for a long time?" She asks.

"Not really. We started dating around the start of summer," I give an awkward grin since bragging it feels like I'm bragging about my relationship.

"You guys must be moving fast then," she giggles.

"It depends on how you define fast," I awkwardly grin.

"I bet you guys are the couple who says I love you to each other all the time."

My chest sinks, like the Titanic is resting on it. I inhale my breath and forget how to go back to my normal breathing pattern. Opening my mouth since my nose refuses to cooperate, I try to recompose myself to reply.

"We haven't actually said that...yet," I confess, biting the inside of my lip.

"Really?" Maddy gasps loudly. "That's weird. By the looks of it, he should've said it by now..." Maddy ponders.

"You think so?" I ask, gulping down air and trying to shove it down. However, it's as if I clogged by throat with cotton and its drying out my insides.

"It's probably no big deal," Maddy dismisses.

Maybe I should say it first. But would it be too insincere to say it for the sake of saying it? I mean, what do I know about love? It's probably too soon.

"Cute necklace by the way." Maddy points to the swan pendant hanging from my neck.

"Oh, this? Vincent gave-"

"It doesn't really suit you though..."

"I don't really wear jewelry often. This necklace is the exception though."

"You should try something more minimalistic. It's a bit too flashy on you."

"You're right. Wendy doesn't need flashy stuff on her," Greg interrupts as he steps into the kitchen. "You definitely need it though," he scoffs at Maddy.

"Excuse me?" Maddy's voice goes a bit shrill.

"Well, I guess nothing is ever going to be enough for you," Greg continues.

"Get to your point," Maddy purses her lips and crosses her arms.

"You can try to cover yourself in the most pretty things in this world, but none of it is going to hide the bullshit that's inside."

Started as His Girlfriend (Sequel to "Started as His Tutor")Where stories live. Discover now