Eleven >>

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I woke up the next morning with a strange warmth next to me, I chose to ignore it and try to go back to sleep but then I felt a breeze tickle the back of my neck and a soft mumbling.

I rolled over slightly to see a sleeping Calum laying next to me in my bed his mouth slightly open and his arms hugging the pillow that his head rested on. “What the hell?” I whispered and began to lightly shake him to hopefully wake him up “Calum.. Calum.. wake up” I whispered my voice croaky “Calum please wake up” I said my voice a bit louder and my shaking getting heavier as my last attempts to wake him up failed.

I rolled my head back and let out a groan before placing both hands on his chest and pushing him off my bed his body hitting the ground with a thud “Ow!” he yelped sitting up and looking at me. “You were in my bed and I tried to wake you up” I said snuggling back into my thin covers trying to regain some of the warmth that left with Calum.

“Aww.. Sorry I tend to sleep walk when I dream” he explained getting up and making his way to his own bed, I nodded and began to close my eyes hoping that I could fall back to sleep again. But I had no such luck.

“Good morning Raven! Calum! We haven’t spoken in a while and a certain someone wants to hear from you” announced Luke barging into the room with his normal happy look that doesn’t suit a place like this. “Can I go see Ashton in like two hours?” I asked rolling over so my back was facing him.

“No stop being so selfish and get up” he answered in a stern voice walking over and ripping the covers off me. “Alright I’ll go.. is he in your office?” I asked, he nodded and held out a hand to help me up which I gladly accepted.

“You coming?” I asked Calum who was still in bed with the covers tucked just under his chin “I’ll catch up with you, I have a feeling Hemmings wants a chat” he answered looking towards Luke then back at me, I nodded and carried on down the hall.

**Calums POV** (10 minutes earlier)

“I wonder where this door leads me to.” I said as I approached a wooden door with a gold handle, I opened it and it lead to a room that was pitch black but dwelling in amongst the black were clowns. I hate clowns.

“You’re such a cute little boy Calum!” one of them smiled getting really close to my face “get away from me” I growled “Aww why are you so down? I know! You need a BIG hug!” another one said with crosses on its eyes and a painted on sad face opening its arms wide and leaning in.

“I rather not” I answered pushing it back and beginning to walk faster through the swarm of clowns. “Calum.. Calum wake up” one of them said smiling down “Calum please wake up” it said again leaning down with its red nose almost touching my face “I am awake” I answered. The clown smiled down at me and placed both hands on my chest before giggling madly and pushing me into a black void to only be welcomed by a sharp pain in my elbow and right side of my face “Ow!” I said sitting up and looking around only to be welcomed by Raven sitting on the bed just above me.

“You were in my bed and I tried to wake you up” she explained then snuggled back under the covers, so she pushed me out of her bed? Wow charming. “Aww.. sorry I tend to sleep walk when I dream” I answered making my way back to my bed and getting under the covers praying to god I get to continue sleeping my dream, but no luck.

“Good morning Raven! Calum! We haven’t spoken in a while and a certain someone wants to hear from you” announced Luke barging into the room with that stupid happy ass look that he wears so well. “Can I go see Ashton in like two hours?” she asked rolling over so her back was facing us.

“No stop being so selfish and get up” he answered in a stern voice walking over and ripping the covers off her. “Alright I’ll go.. is he in your office?” she asked, he nodded and held out a hand to help her up .

Asylum ➸ c.hTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon