🌿Type of diaries I offer

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I do not know for the others, but as for me, a critique and a review are two different things

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I do not know for the others, but as for me, a critique and a review are two different things. So before you ask for one, be sure of what you want.

So for now, I only offer five types of diaries:

🌿A critique is given by a critic with a neutral point of view so whether I like your story or not, I will give you useful tips to improve your story and make it more enjoyable for your readers. And you should take into account what I suggested.

🌿A review is given by the reader me with a subjective/personal point of view. And I am an extremely picker reader. If I don't like the character (don't do the thing I expect him to do or don't do an unexpected thing that will make me be pleasantly surprised), I will stop reading. If the cover is a face, I will stop reading too because I believe in reader's insert concept (not as the main character but the fact that latter could imagine everything the way he wants). If there is info dump or too many descriptions, I will stop reading. So you should never take everything I said in a review into account. You should even not mind my review at all because I believe my review will be completely useless to you.

Because it's your book and no one knows it better than you.

🌿A critique+review is given by both of me (critic and reader) which means a neutral and personal point of view. If you want to have a first impression of your story, you can take this one.

🌿A badass tough diary is given by the critic me with a neutral point of view. This will contains only the negative aspects of your book which mean your weakness. If you can work on them, your book will be better.

🌿A sugar coating diary is given by both of us with a neutral and personal point of view. I will only write about the positive aspects of your story and it will be full of compliments. So if you need to be boosted, take this one.

{Note: If you want me to add the sentence listed below before I talk about it, let me know. If you want me to say something that is not listed in your diary but in another diary, let me know.}

{Note: If after a critique/review/critique + review/ badass tough you had modified your book, I am more than willing to read it again.}

{Note: I may modify the list in the future.}


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