Chapter 10

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Arthur pov

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now." I said this as soon as Merlin stopped right in front of me and my men. He had the decency to look ashamed about keeping his magic a secret from me. He looked at me, and started to beg for my forgiveness.

"I only used my magic for you Arthur. I swear on it. I kept it hidden from you because you would have turned me into your father, and I would've been burned at the stake. You know I would have told you unless there was a consequence to be had. This includes my magic, and I only ever used it for you. Only you." He is basically begging to me that he has used it for me. Never has he said that he denied having magic.

"Why would you practice magic?" I look at him in the eye, and I could see that he knows something will happen.

"I didn't choose it Arthur; I was born with it. I never had a choice." He looked sad when he had said this because of the face I must have shown. Let's face it, being born with magic is impossible. "I could do magic before I could talk or walk," He continues, "Magic was used only to protect you." When he finished talking, I wanted to believe him, but I couldn't. I knew that I couldn't kill him either, so I did the best next thing I could think of. Exile.

"Merlin, you from here on exiled from entering Camelot. I know that I could never kill you, but I can banish you." Merlin had this look of despair when he heard that he could never return to Camelot. He should have know this when he had learned to practice magic.

Merlin pov

I knew this would happen, but I thought he would think to kill me first before banishment. He doesn't believe that I was born with magic, and that is fine, but I should have known better. I should have known that this would happen.

I looked over at the other knights, and I saw that they had a mixture of sadness and betrayal on their faces. All of them except for Gwaine and Percival. What are they going to do?

Gwaine came up to me and gave me a hug. Something I would have never expected since revealing my magic to them. I think my magic clicked of why I have all of these scars covering me layer upon layer. I look up to see Percival standing beside me with a hand on my shoulder. Gwaine lets go to stand beside Percival, and so I look up to explain my scars in these last moments.

"My scars are because of the legend of Emrys. The most powerful warlock to ever walk the Earth. Morgana has tortured me to try and get information on Arthur, Camelot, and Emrys. But other scars I hold are from protecting you, Arthur, and the knights. I never used magic against you Arthur, and I still wouldn't. I was going to explain my scars when I was ready, but now seemed like a better time than never getting the chance to explain them ever again. This is good bye until the next time I see you."

I turned away from Arthur and the knights with Gwaine and Percival following me. Arthur and I will cross paths again because of my destiny and the legend of the united lands of Albion, of the five kingdoms uniting, and magic being returned by the Once and Future King.


Hey guys, there will be a sequel, but I haven't figured out a name for it yet. The next and last update will be what the sequel is called and what it looks like. I'm glad you guys enjoyed this book. Until next time with the sequels name and cover.


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