Chapter 7

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Merlin pov

I was not expecting Her to be there.

Morgause was there as a backup for Morgana, who was also there. She appeared after dropping the boulder at the end of the canyon where the ambush took place to give the knights cover and time to escape. They had escaped successfully, but I had not.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. Arthur's servant who will tell me all that I need to know." Morgana says this while circling me. She looked like she climb out of sewer and hasn't had a bath in a month. Morgana is wearing a extremely dirty purple dress with black draped over every here and there. Morgause is just watching; keeping an eye to make sure I won't do anything.

"Morgana why don't we take him back and torture every question out of him in any and every way possible." Morgana gives Morgause a pleased look while Morgause says "torture" and "question" and gives me a sinister grin. This isn't looking good for me at all. Looks like I have to think of a plan starting now.

Gwaine pov

After that boulder crashed down the knights, including me, took down some of the bandits that were closest to us and made a run for it. But I didn't expect for us to lose Merlin along the way.

I was looking for Merlin when I had realized he wasn't with us, and when I looked over at the other knights, they had realized this as well. Merlin got captured. Just what we need. A captured servant and friend who Morgana could torture every single thing out of him involving the knights, the people, and the kingdom. This is not good. The other knights, including Arthur, must have thought of this as well.

"We have to get Merlin back because he knows every single thing about everything involving Camelot, and they could find out what Merlin keeps from us," Lancelot said with everyone's eyes on him, and I'm wondering if he knows Merlin's deepest, darkest secret.

"Lancelot, do you know Merlin's secret?" Percival must have read my mind somehow when he asked this because I was thinking the exact same thing at the exact same moment.

"Yes, but I only know because I caught him and heard him. If you want to know more then we have to get Merlin back." Lancelot is being cryptic. What does he mean by caught and heard him in the act.

Percival walked up to me and just stood there, but I understood him. He wanted to get Merlin back. Lancelot walked over to my other side, and the rest of the knights followed along, including Arthur, because we all wanted to get Merlin back.

Arthur started,"Okay, here's the plan."

Merlin pov

I was blind folded, but not very well. Light was shining through the white fabric at a minimal, so I know it is still daybreak, but will soon start to be nightfall. And by the distance we have been walking, we are about a few days away from Camelot. That's not worrying at all.

I was trying to make out objects through the white fabric when all of a sudden everything went dark. Okay, so we are either in a very deep cave, a very dark house, or a very dark abandoned or allied with Morgana and Morgause' castle. This is bad, this is very bad. We are probably over in Cenred's (?) kingdom.

I was taken downward with little lighting caused by lit torches because of the orange, yellow glow I see. Once the person stopped us on a leveled floor, I was slammed against a wall. I'm assuming this is a cell because the person that brought me down here made a "clank" and locking noise.

What I have found out so far is that I am a good three to five days away from Camelot, I'm in a castle dungeon, and that we might be in a different kingdom altogether. You knights better hurry up, or I am going to blow up every single living person in this castle and blow up the castle itself.


The chapter is a little longer and I managed to nab the computer from my brother.


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