Chapter 4

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Merlin pov

I woke up to the sun rising in an early, misty dawn, but I continued to lay down and watch the others only peeking through my lashes so they won't know that I am awake. I saw Gwaine still keeping watch looking at the morning light. Crap someone's up. I don't want to have to deal with this early in the morning. I was hoping that everyone was going to be passed out. Guess I'll get up now with one man up than later with everyone up.

As soon as I move, Gwaine looks straight at me like an owl on high alert while twisting its head in every direction. Gwaine decided to start speaking, "Well your looking dandy Merlin. How do you feel?" He is as snarky as usual. "I feel terrible Gwaine, but please don't ask questions about the scars you saw until everyone else is up. I don't feel like repeating myself.

We did just that. I started breakfast, which is sure to wake everyone else up, while Gwaine is watching me like a wild cat stalking its prey to pounce on later. It's very unnerving. The breakfast starts cooking and I look to see Lancelot waking and looks towards me. As soon as he sees me, he immediately gets up. "What the hell are you doing up," he sounds angry. "I feel sore is all. Don't start yelling at me this early. I still have Arthur to deal with."

Over time, the rest of the knights, including Arthur, woke up due tot eh smell of breakfast. Thank magic they are taking their time eating because then I'll still have time to think about answering their questions. "So Merlin, I want you to answer every single question we have about your scars. Are we clear," Arthur looks as if he is ready to kill while saying this and after he said it. "Yes Arthur I will answer every question."

They finish their breakfast and start with the questions by taking turns. Leon is first. "Merlin, how did you survive a serkit sting and how did you get the serkit sting?" Oh how I knew they were going to ask about my major scars either first or second. "I got it after being caught by Morgana and Morgause when I was following them." They all looked shocked at what I said, but Elyan asked a question I didn't want answered, "How did you know to follow them?" I was thinking about how to answer this question when Arthur spoke up, "Merlin don't you dare say a half answer. Better yet don't even think about it." Guess I'll have to answer it, "I knew about Morgana when she all of a sudden appeared at the castle again. I knew something was up. I didn't tell you because it would reveal something about me that I didn't want you to know just yet." They all had a stricken look of shock across their blood drained faces making them look like ghosts in the sunlight.

"What have you been hiding that you don't want revealed?" Arthur asked this with a look of hurt; a look that said I didn't trust him. "I can't tell just yet. My secret has to deal with all of my scars. I won't reveal them just yet so wait." I said this, but I knew they were not going to allow me to get away with it.

This is a nightmare I want to wake up from.


It is short and I apologize. I have been busy with school and I couldn't think of much else to add to this chapter. I'll maybe have a longer chapter next time.


ScarsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora