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      "I've heard about the tales of these great hero's. Who sacrificed everything for the sake of the greater good. They have these abilities like no other. A girl who can produce flames, a boy who can create icy blasts, a boy who can move mountains; these three started the search for the mysterious Eight."

"Later these 3 found more like them: a boy who can move darkness, a girl with plants, a boy who can manipulate water, a girl who can harness light. They travel to distant lands searching for the last member until they locate her. The girl who controls air. After weeks of searching they finally find her and-"

"You aren't telling these nonsense stories again are you?!" A tall figure's shadow falls upon the blonde headed boy telling the story to two other stable kids. The other two quickly scramble away. "How many times have I told you... They! Do! Not! Exist!!!!"

The taller figure leans in close to the smaller blonde boy. "Aren't you forgetting you serve me!!!! Who's given you a place to sleep? ME!! Who's given you food? ME!!! Now stop dawdling over fairy tales and start doing what your told!" The tall figure straightens himself and struts back inside the castle.

The boy ponders over his masters words but shakes his head. I won't believe him. They're out there, I just know it. If not saving the world most likely hiding...I hope they come back, and maybe rescue me?

The boy slumps back down on the cold stone ground, then looks to the stars shinning brightly overhead.  This time he says his thoughts aloud, "Come back...please. We need The Eight," the boy hesitates then continues "I need The Eight." His eyes search the stary sky for a sign but nothing happens. The boy picks himself up and starts towards the castle to serve his master.

Just then a star flashes brighter than ever then slowly fades away.

The Eight: For Those Left BehindNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ