"Well I'm glad" I said. Mom came down holding Elijah.

"This is Elijah Theodore Brock. He's 2 months old" dad said.

"Aw he looks like you Colby" gage said.

"I know right!" Sam said to him and everyone laughed. I went and hugged Ashton.

"Ashton don't forget about me. We have to always be best friends. I'm gonna miss you" I said pulling away from the hug.

"Viv I'm just getting married" he said laughing.

"Yeah but you and Amber are gonna move in together and have kids and we're not gonna be able to hang out as much and I'm gonna just be the fun aunt" I said starting to cry


"Your right. I'm not sure why I'm freaking out" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"OH FUCK" I yelled.

"What!?!" My dad yelled.

"Oh un Nothing. Ashton can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked he nodded and we walked into the bar room.

"What's up?" He asked

"I'm late" I said with a serious face.

"No were not we still have 2 in a half hours" he said. I mentally face palmed.

"Nooooo I'm LATE" I said to him again. He finally realized what I meant and his eyes went wide.

"You don't think?" He asked.

"I have no idea. I stopped taking the pill like 2 years ago" I said starting to freak out.

"I can't breathe" I said breathing hard.

"Vivian calm down" Ashton said hugging me.

"No no no no no I can't. I can't breathe." I said walking in the kitchen. Everyone looked at me weird.

"Ashton. Pills." I said he went to the cupboard by my dad and took my anxiety pills out. I got some water and took one and put my head between my knees. Ashton started rubbing my back.

"Viv sweetie you have to calm down. As your best friend I'm trying to help" he said crouching in front of me. I went to his ear and whispered something.

"I can't have a baby" I whispered in his ear.

"I know I know" he said to me. Amber walked in and ran over to me. All of my family was in the room and confused.

"Vivian what's wrong?" She asked me.

"I'm late" I whispered in her ear. She shot up and stood up.

"VIVIAN MAE BROCK DONT YOU DARE TELL ME YOUR PREGNANT!" She yelled really loud and everyone heard. I just stood up and started hyperventilating again.

"Amber what the hell!" Ashton said.

"I thought she told her family" she said

"No she literally just screamed of fuck and dragged me into the other room and told me she might be" Ashton said

"Oh my god Vivian I'm so sorry. I'll be right back" she said walking out of the house.

"Where is she going?" I asked confused.

"I have no idea we might just have to wait and see" Ashton said. I forgot everyone was in the room.

"Vivian your pregnant?" My mom asked.

"Yes, no I don't know. If I am I can't keep the baby. So I'll have to put it up for adoption" I said sighing.

"Corey can I talk to you in the other room?" Devyn asked and they walked into the other room. Amber walked in with a plastic bag and dragging Charlie in by the ear.

"Ahh Amber what the hell" he said and Amber pushed him in the room were all in.

"Me being the best friend I am got you something" Amber said handing me the plastic bag. I looked in and saw a pregnancy test. I mouthed thank you to her. I went into the bathroom and did my business.

Ambers pov
"What the hell am I doing here so early? I'm not supposed to be here for another hour" he said

"You did something but we won't find out till she's done" I told him angrily as everyone watched.

"Amber?" Vivian yelled for me from the bathroom downstairs. I walked into the room and Viv stood there in her dress and heels.

"Do you know yet?" I asked her

"Times up but I don't wanna look yet" she told me.

"Can I look?" I asked her. She nodded. I picked it up and saw the mark saying it's positive. I sighed.

"Vivian it's positive" I said to her. She took it and stormed out of the bathroom as I followed her out.


"What babe?" He asked.

"Good job you got me knocked up" she said throwing the test at him.

"Haha good prank" he said laughing.

"Charlie. Is anyone around you laughing?" Vivian asked.

"Un no. Why aren't you all laughing" he asked

"There not laughing cause you got me pregnant!" She yelled at him.

"Don't worry I'm putting the baby up for adoption once he or she's born" she said looking down.

"Vivian?" Corey asked.

"Yes uncle Corey?" She asked sighing

"Can Devyn and I adopt your baby?" He asked smiling.

"Seriously you would wanna have the kid that's inside me now?" She asked

"Of course sweetie and you can still see the baby too!" Devyn said hugging her

"Dad I'm sorry your probably do disappointed in me..." Vivian said looking down. You could see Colby's heart break.

"VIVIAN MAE BROCK LOOK AT ME!" He yelled she looked at him. Everyone including his parents looked at him surprised.

"1. What did I tell you. Im never disappointed in you. I never yell at you or anything so I'm not sure why you'd think that and 2. Go fix up your makeup we have to get going soon. 3. Give me a hug child of mine. Your graduating today" he said. Viv laughed and hugged him.

"Oh Charlie when are you moving?" I asked him

"Uh Monday I have to go home and finish getting ready" he said walking out. Viv went upstairs to fix up her makeup and everyone else just stood there.

"What was that?" Gage asked

Life//book 5 to Colby Brock series Where stories live. Discover now