I don't have enough time to gather myself before three guards are upon me, hands grabbing hold of my arms and shoulders without a care of being nice or kind about it. 

My legs kick out defenselessly as I twist, trying hard to stand only to fail. The collar wrapped around my neck only served as a bitter reminder of the delirious pain that came with it.

Where the fuck are we?

I squint, letting the guards haul me out of the van and onto the cement floor, giving me a view of my surroundings. Armored vehicles, heavily armed soldiers and guards, a warehouse that spans much--much further than what I can currently see. 

Joint Counter Terrorist Centre. 


This was the place we'd send fugitives to for interrogation after capturing them. People like Rumlow if he was still alive. Not people like us. 

"Setz sie ab," The man holding me says.

Set her down.

They let go of my arms and I fall on all fours, a weak groan slipping past my lips from the aches that I felt. The idea that I was only getting weaker is frustrating, no--it's scary. How much more will I be able to take?

I grit my teeth and ignore the chain around my neck as I lean back on my feet, hands on my sides. 

Resentment threatened to break free, anger threatened to decimate the entirety of the building. 

"I'm going to kill..." Tone heavy and filled with ice, I make direct eye contact with the guards that surround me and smile. "...all you fuckers." 

There was a loud slam of metal meeting the floor.

From behind me, a giant forklift is lifting the cage that holds Bucky and wheeling him in the opposite direction. 

The fact that he was in a glass cage with all of his limbs pinned down for people to see aggravates me. He wasn't an animal, something to be ogled at.

He was my Protector.

For a split second, I wondered about the little switch tucked behind the corner of our minds from HYDRA's training. I wondered what would happen if we flick it, how much blood we'll spill together if we do. 

It's gone just as fast as I thought it. 

Yet there's a voice deep down inside me that laughs. 

Sighing, I unconsciously reach to scratch the back of my neck only to remember the machinery with my brother's name on it, was still around my goddamn neck. 

I eyed the link, trailing my gaze toward the guard that held it. 

My expression must've said something because his thumb flicked onto the button in a warning.

I grin maniacally and swiped the dried blood off my forehead, already flaking from how long I'd been in that van. 

He better wish I don't get out. 

In the distance, the sounds of SUVs approaching alerted me that the others were arriving. I only just turned, when the car doors opened, revealing Steve, Sam, and another man. The Black Panther.

"You gotta be kidding me,"

My shock is real.

The Black Panther I had to fight tooth and nail against was T'Challa. The prince of Wakanda.

Now it all made sense, why he came after Bucky. 

Revenge. For the death of his father.

Great, this day keeps getting better and better.

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