Chapter 10

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Shutting my eyes, I let the pain tide over me and pushed it back to the farthest corner of my mind, where I keep it under lock and key.

There it will remain for the time being.

My complicated relationship can wait.

Taking a deep breath, I reopened my eyes and created pillared energy walls, gently boosting myself up the ladders and above intricate hallways, making sure to stealthily hide behind rows of hidden ship compartments.

"This was never my life,"

My brother's voice comes within earshot and I dropped the pillars, easing myself downwards behind another deck higher than them.

When I peek over, I see Tony, Steve and Thor facing Ultron and the twins head-on.

"You two can still walk away from this," Steve looks at the twins determinedly.

They were different compare to the time when I met them in that old cavern.

Bloodthirsty and practically bursting with rage, that heady cocktail mixture was directed at my brother. Their pointed stare tells me so.

"Oh, we will." Scarlet smiles sweetly, a dark meaning behind those words.

I felt my fingers spark with their familiar lights and waved them away only for it to come back stronger, the light zapping my palms.

What the hell-

"I know you've suffered--"

"Aaah, Captain America. God's righteous man." Ultron scoffed, cutting Steve off. The robot tilts his head, with a smirk. "Pretending you can live without a war,"

Steve looked visibly troubled, his emotions are wavering, telling me he was beginning to grow distressed.

Ultron hit a sore spot.

"I can't physically throw up in my mouth--" Ultron gestures to his mouth, practically mocking and its this time that I decided I had enough of Sir-Tin-a-lot.

"Someone's been a very bad robot," I voiced out from above, my chin resting on my palm.

Six sets of eyes look up at my entrance and I could see the twins shift uneasily.

Hopping off the railing, the energy pillars act like stairs as I'm slowly set down, my descent meant to stall for time. The two spies should be closing in anytime now.

"You know, considering Tony created you. I am your aunt."

"The Dark Witch," Ultron's gaze narrowed threateningly. "Tony's long lost sister."

I waved at him sarcastically and cocked a hand to my hip as I finally land in the middle of the bridge.

"I heard someone's disrespecting their elders,"

Ultron's metal face contorted. Clearly, he took offence to that statement. He was sick of hearing those kinds of words.

Taking threatening steps closer to the bridge, Ultron probably meant to scare me but I remain where I am, chin up in defiance.

"You speak as though you can help everybody," He says with a mocking lull. "And so you pretend you're in control. That you're not just a kill switch but are you really?"

It was something Loki would say and boy did that piss me off.

"You were born yesterday Tin-a-lot, I don't take orders from toddlers."

Ultron's fists clenched and it seemed like he would attack.

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it." Thor noticed it right away, his voice purposely loud, loud enough that Ultron furiously whips around to face the god.

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