Chapter 11

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Don't stop.

Keep shooting.

Keep killing.

Keep destroying.

The pain is nonexistent. The feeling of being free is all I feel.

This is what I wanted.

What I served for.

What I am meant to do.

Fire and debris, ruins and destruction.

The ground around us has crumbled into nothing but ash and remains. What's left of buildings and streets are mere figments of one's imagination.

In the distance, the sunset is setting, the colours painting a bloody red across the darkening skies.

I'm stumbling forward, in the middle of the chaos, where the smoke rises in the air, where the city that was once my home is demolished into nothing but pieces.

In front of me, stands what's left of humanity.

The Avengers.

My body is covered in wounds, cuts and bruises line the entirety of what was once my uniform.

Still, I continue on my onslaught.

Still, I continue towards them.

"Don't do this..." Steve is in front of me, followed by Tony and the rest of the team.

They are ready to fight me. I can see it in their eyes.

But they won't stop me.

Not this time.

With a crackle of my fingers, I branched out energy waves that entrap them into cocoons. The lights are vicious, their intent meant to hurt.

"You think you know me. You don't." I growled out, inching myself closer to them.

Steve frantically shakes his head. "You don't want to do this."

His shield is meters away, tattered in blood.

I approach him making sure to only stop when I'm standing over his form, my shadow blocking him from seeing what's left of the sun.

"That's where you're wrong." I whip out an energy blade, the crackle loud beneath my fingertips. "You've always, been wrong."

Slicing his neck clean open in one swift move, Steve's blue eyes go wide. His mouth hangs open, blood dribbling off the side of his neck like rivulets.

Scoffing, I threw his body to the side and watch as my team crumble apart.

Their Captain was dead.

What were they to do?

"Blues, what have you done...?"

My gaze finds the man whose voice is practically shaking.

He's enclosed with the lights, metal suit practically hanging off of him in threads.

Iron man

"What have you done?!"

What I should have done a long time ago.

Tony frantically tries to get through me even as the lights trap him. "This is not who you are! This is not you!"

He wants the other Lorelie back.

He doesn't understand that she never left. That she is right in front of him.

This is what I've always been.

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